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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by roscoe6

  1. New hockey room. Split the new office in half for heating/cooling purposes. Second half now my new hockey room.


    2 - S19s with tinted visors (Black and Navy)

    Assortment of Sox and RBK Edge practice jerseys...and MSH jerseys of course

    custom TO's with Graf 705 tongues (box to the middle bottom are my 2nd pair still spankin' new)

    UMaine 4-rolls

    ATL One95s

    CBL Vapor XXXX

    TBL Vapor XXX

    Ben Eager SE16s ATL

    Mike Ribiero Vapor XXX Dallas

    Jofa 9060 shins

    Selection of sticks...yes...two Mission Flyweight shafts


    MHP 520 Caps (Reebok) and TBL (CCM)

    RBK 8K elbows

    Old sets of One90 shins

    Tape and Ovechkin collectables

    I would rather have two of those than two pairs of TO's...

    ...Not really, but you understand my level of jealousy.

  2. Fun with a tax return,

    x2 87 flex one95 tapered shafts


    waiting on a few more goodies. I think I'll take a new super bored stick collection picture.

    mik3 - Did you get these from Pure Hockey? I ordered two 77 flexes last week and my order status is still 'Pending'. Hmm...

    If so, is it just the Tactile grip, or does it have Stick 'Um also? Online it says with Stick 'Um, but I have my doubts. Any info would be great.

  3. Broke my last TPS R2 XN10 shaft this weekend.

    I've broken two and a prototype R9 in the last 18 months. It hurts to see them go.

    The worst of it is, I broke a SE16 blade in my X:60 shaft on Thursday at practice, an AK27 shaft during our game Friday (The older nipple grip red/black one. Which I loved, but can't find. Any help?), and my R2 on our game on Saturday. Sonofabith. Hefty Discover bill this month...

    P.S. - Is the R9 an in-process, or a never-was?

  4. On friday two of my good buddies passed away in a car crash, tuesday someone backed into my car and drove away, got pulled over immediately after pulling out of a hotel where my friends sister and I were picking out songs for his funeral last night, woke up with a huge cold sore today and have to start writing my speech for one of the funerals. What a week.

    Damn. Sorry to hear.

  5. you sure its thrashers? looks more blues like, i was thinking about it but there wasn't a name on it so bleh

    I'm pretty sure they are. 'Warrior' is outlined in baby blue, as well as the 'W' on the inside cuff. Just my 2¢.

    TooOld - Another pair?! When are you going to start dishing out some of those PPFs? ;)

  6. The Simpsons turns 20 tonight. I remember watching it on The Tracy Ullman Show back in the day.

    "Me fail English? That's umpossible!"

    Its hard to believe a cartoon has been on television almost as long as I have been alive.

    As would I, but with King of the Hill. RIP LuAnn Platter

    +1. Loved that show. I hope it stays on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim for a long time. That's the only place its on where I'm from. The SOBs even took it off Hulu.

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