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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    Brooklyn, NY
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  1. the feel and palm is awesome.
  2. originals. real good condition tho
  3. i don't break sticks often..Im not a center.. so no draws with douch bags..i don't hack or slash.. paired with a good tape job.... also rarely take slap shots so ... I guess I make them last..
  4. ....just on reserve. :D
  5. 2 of my teams are red and white.... i think i need to check my ponts' after those gloves....lol
  6. when cooper ruled the world. Most of this is older then me.
  7. vector 120- comp blade SE 05' Stealth 05'Stealth Ballistik 52 Se V130 Shaft 7k ops 7k ops 7k ops (in rotation) vector 130 with woodie 05' Stealth
  8. Wasn't here in '03 but yeah I won't pick on your white skates anymore... now pull your pants up. :P Thanks...you can get off your knees slim. ha.
  9. neither.. friends in Finland.
  10. ahhh...*yawns* Is that all you got ?? with the white figure skate jokes? Thats like 2003 stuff
  11. because they are hard enough to get 'stock'...
  12. new graf 704 from finland.
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