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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by SAK

  1. Don't sweat it, it will probably be great the next time your out. It just takes some getting use to. Try diving into some corners, its cool how it feels like you speed up however you have the bite to handle it.
  2. I don't think so yet. We have been getting quite a few calls about it however. Canoebear would probably be the one. Sorry I did not get back to you earlier, my wife broke her leg playing hockey. Very timely around Christmas.
  3. hehe. I had the same thing last night.(going into the boards) What was cool was the next time I got the balls enough not to back off and was blown away it was like being on a set of rails.
  4. Steen had a similar issue however it did not seem to effect his game.
  5. I can believe it, players do not like to change anything unless they have some down time. So Bert will probably wait until they have a longer period between home and away games, than slowly start to start players on it. Think about how long it takes for a player to change a stick. The great thing about this is when they do go ahead and try the fbv they usually notice a big enough difference and welcome the change. Reportedly Marleau from San Jose has had his skates in line to have the fbv put on and backed out because he just was not sure about it. Happy to say its not just NHL guys that do this. When we were at the MSH annual hockey game and offering to sharpen skates with the fbv, about 50% of the skaters declined to have it done. When some were asked why, the main reason was they did no if they would like it. People were driving in and flying in and did not want to take a chance. Those people are usually the people that wait until it is a proven item. What is cool is how much difference this makes and it is great to be apart of something new and that helps someone in a sport that i really like. I worked with steen when he was in Toronto, that is why he is using it. No trade secrets, its pretty simple. The 90 represents the amount of flat that is on the blade and the 75 would represent the depth the the edge is going down into the ice. I thought 90/75 was comparable to 5/8th Oops. You are right I did not realize I hit the wrong button.
  6. Bert will have more than just the 100/75, ask him if he has the 90/75 it feels more like a 7/8, I like the 100/75 you get crazy bite and great glide.
  7. It could be a variety of different things going on. Remember on the 90/75 There is only 3/4 of a thousands of an inch going down into the ice. (3/4 of a third of your hair) That is not a lot. A suggestion is to have a hand hone in your bag and keen the edges before you go out. A lot of times people just want that feel of the new sharpening especially when they enjoy the initially sharpening on the fbv. There are a variety of different FBV's that you can get we have primarily only been talking about 2. You can get cuts that are deeper in the ice.
  8. LOL......I wish I had the same luck, I have more energy, however it has not improved my hands. Maybe a glove manufacturer can come up with something to help out with that.
  9. Sorry for the lack of information guys. I am going to try to get the dealers as OTG said to go on facebook who are doing it. This is so new that most LHS will not have a clue about it. If the store has a blackstone they could retrofit the machine to be able to do it. The other way would be to check out the x series machines they have the ability to do it as well. Have some patience. We can't seem to keep this in stock so it is frustrating for us as well.
  10. I'm not sure. I am trying to come up weth a list however it is proving to be quite dificult. Try Bob at No Icing, he is doing it.No Icing
  11. There are so few doing it. Not enough of the retailers have the technology to do it. and if they do we have not had the chance to talk to them about it. Would it not be nice to have a tradeshow where retailers came to so we could show them the new technology. What new technology could there be, they already have a sharpener. Plus it looks just like their kitchen counter. Leave it to you Chadd. LMAO
  12. There are so few doing it. Not enough of the retailers have the technology to do it. and if they do we have not had the chance to talk to them about it. Would it not be nice to have a tradeshow where retailers came to so we could show them the new technology.
  13. Sorry, I have no control over what people do in there shop. It is too bad they have the technology to do it but maybe are not that familiar with it. I will call them tomorrow.
  14. It will have more of a 1/2 " feel to it but you will fly. It will take you a few laps to warm up to it and then you will be off to the races. Thanks Steve! Just now I called those guys and they said that they had it in 3/8 and 1/2. What does that equate to? I was expecting them to know a little more.
  15. Jordan, Replacement is on its way and should be there by Tuesday at 10am! If it was shipped as it should have been....cough cough.....LOL Hey back off potter. dont give me the order you know It wont be shipped. lol
  16. Hey Bob, Go to Sorrentino's I think they are doing it.
  17. Jordan, You may want to rock him abit forward. Does not sound like it is a condition of sharpening, I think your correct in thinking it is the rocker. By the way I had a great time. Hope you all enjoyed it and I did not screw anyones skates up.
  18. Yes but they are expensive. if you can tell me what the shop is I can give them a call and tell them about it. If you want to email me go for it.
  19. I'm glad it is working out for you guys we are having as much fun as you. It is great to see new players to NHL guys "lit up" over a simple skate sharpening procedure. The University that is doing the study is also quite impressed with the results that it is producing. I am exceted to get some of the results back so that I can share them and make it so that it is in simple terms so we can all understand what is going on with the fbv, other than it works great. I know I get a kick out of watching my kids do things that I have not seen them do before, yesterday one of the parents said that they have never seen my son skate so fast. I just smiled and said thank you but inside I was thinking "if you only new!"
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