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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Just a question out of curiosity... The alkalis seem cut higher than say a vapor line of skate, does anyone keep the top eyelet unlaced?
  2. i'm a 10 shoe and i first bought an 8 but definitely too small just got my new pair 8.5 fits perfect definitely one of the most comfortable boots ever out of the box. Although even on this new pair, the frames are mismatched in their placement on the boot. One frame is a few mm's too far foward or vice versa same as I had with the size 8 maybe just something with the batch I received.
  3. Just received my max skates i'm very happy with the high quality of these skates. My only question is can a mismount in the chassis placement be a problem with skating. As i am happy with the skates there is a 2-3mm mismatch and wondering if it will effect skating or should i mail them back for a new pair?
  4. I was an 8 in rx60 i had gone to a 7.5 in apx so i went with 8 in the max hopefully its correct since i ordered.
  5. Well i've called most places they either do not carry rpd max or only have size 8.5 and up when i believe i need an 8... So from reading on here is it safe to say if i am an 8d in a bauer rx60 that i will be and 8 in a max? I had tried a regular rpd in a size 8 very quickly a while back and it seemed to be the right size also?
  6. Any of you L.I. Guys see any of the shops there carrying the rpd max in most of the sizes? I've called a bunch of places seems either they dont carry the max or dont have a size 8? Thanks for any help!
  7. Justin do we have an actual date for the skates yet or is it still up in the air with a mid-late november launch? I see inlinewarehouse states nov 25?
  8. It really seems as if the rbz and 100 are almost identical in make except the use of surlyn in the 100? Surprised the 100 will be $549 i figured a little more as it seems very high quality materials are being used!
  9. I wear an 8D in RX60 and i tried on an 8D in alkali and felt perfect. I'm reluctant of the frame and how its set so far foward because i'm ready to pull the trigger also on a pair of these!!!
  10. I was on the site and I did not see them post the final score that soon.
  11. Awesome I was waiting eagerly to hear some results... Congrats!
  12. Can't wait to hear what you think after baking and skating GQRDY!!
  13. That seems by design from what i saw on the skates when i tried them on. That was my major concern as to how they were gonna feel skating. I also played an iron man this past weekend against john pinheiro (sp?) who had them on and they had the same look... didn't seem to mess his stride up!
  14. I just went to hockey monkey yesterday in NJ. Figured I'd give some feedback on the RPD's. I have to say, the construction is top notch as i looked the skate over very carefully. Not the lightest skate on the earth but if your complaining about the weight of this skate your nuts because it is light. Also looked at inhalers and wasn't as impressed TBH. Out of the box no baking just trying them on I must say I couldn't believe it was probably one of the most comfortable skates ever. I love the tongue and you can get great flop from it as well. I have very "picky" feet also, something always bothers me before and even after baking so saying it was comfy is huge. There is an aggressive foward pitch and for my foot seemed like less volume then my X60's but almost on par with my APX (my apx has less volume for my foot for some reason??). Wear a size 8D in X60 and 7.5D in APX and fit into an 8D like a dream. I really want to try these baked (probably amazing fit) but was a little weary of the all 80s and also the front wheel protrudes past the toe cap a significant amount. So i'm just not sure how that will feel but the foward pitch and flex of the tongue will probably offset that. All in all I must say i'm so impressed and people should check this skate out.
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