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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    tour code 1, tour beemer
  • Hockey Bag
    ccm vector pro
  • Shin Pads
    nikebauer supreme 30
  • Elbow Pads
    cccm vector 2
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Pants
    cccm pf8 with mission 7500 girdle
  • Helmet
    reebok 8k with nikebauer 3500 cage
  • Gloves
    easton 300, reebok 3k
  • Stick
    bauer vapor xx, bauer endure shaft with bauer 2000 blade, both p10

Profile Information

  • Interests
    roller hockey, video games, tennis, basketball, baseball, basically any sport besides golf and lacrosse,
  • Location
    New York
  • Gender

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  1. I play roller hockey only: Skates: Indoor: Tour code 1s with labeda dynasty wheels Outdoor: Tour beemers w/ some cheap mission wheels Helmet: Reebok 8k Cage: bauer 4500 Elbows: itech 955 Gloves: easton synergy pros, reebok 3ks, and easton synergy 300s Girdle: mission 7500 Pants: ccm vector pf8 shins: nikebauer supreme 30 Sticks: bauer vapor xx 87 flex w/ p10 curve, bauer endure shaft w/ v20 blade in thorton or bauer supreme 1000 blade in p10, koho ultimate? i think it's called
  2. rollerskater92

    Bauer Vapor XX

    Bauer Vapor XX, 87 Flex, Curve P10(Shanahan) Size: 5'5 140 Blade: Great blade, stiff, and lightweight, just starting to chip after about 30 games/practices/camps. Curve is the best i've ever used never going to go to another curve, hopefully. Great for everything including backhands which some people seem to struggle with. 10/10 Shaft/Flex: The flex was a little more than i would like, because i normally use a flex in the 70s, but it didn't make much of a difference. 8/10 Stickhandling/receiving passes: Feels fine nothing special, but not bad. 9/10 Shooting: The shooting with this stick is great, it would probably be even better with the right flex 9/10 Weight and balance: Very nicely balanced. The weight is prefect on this stick at 445, it even feels much lighter. 10/10 Durability: The shaft is very durable, so far just cosmetic problems, the blade is starting to chip at the toe, not bad though. 9/10 Conclusion: Great stick, would buy more if i could find them, got it at a great price so for the price, the stick was a 10/10, but if i paid full price, then it was just ok. 9.2/10
  3. i wish could find a cheap chassis and a person to mount them to have a sick set-up like you guys.
  4. Roller Equipment: Helmet-nike bauer 1500 Gloves-easton synergy 300 Stick-bauer vapor xx p10 87 flex Shins-nike bauer 30 supremes Skates-reebok 4k Girdle-mission 7500 Pants-ccm pf8
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