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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    soon to be Mission S500 w/sprungs
  • Gloves
    RBK 9K
  • Stick
    Bauer One90 with Rbk 7k blade

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  1. Just returned to the game with a large cut on his nose...posibly broken. Full face shield.
  2. Yes it was. Cuts to the forehead area usually bleed quite a bit. Looked like it was kinda bridge-of-the-nose level in the replay. I really hope it wasn't one of his eyes. That could be a career-ending injury.
  3. They both look fine but, if you ask me, the red star looks like it's a more appropriate size. Personal preference really as to how much you like the wheels sticking out either end. From the first pic it looks like the frame doesn't quite line up with the outsole profile of the boot.... but it's most likely that the outsole will conform to to the frame as it's mounted.
  4. What kind of glue do you use? Do you shape it or just put a good sized glob of glue on there? Probably gonna be doing an ice to inline conversion myself in the next few weeks and this sounds like a good idea.
  5. Not to hijack the thread but.....Is this a general rule with goalies? That they prefer the seats closest to the door? Our goalies dwell in the deepest darkest corners of the locker room, so they get in everyones way, take up as much space as possible and stumble all over your equipment while they're trying to awkwardly get out of their space. Also they refuse to sit anywhere else. Is all this normal?
  6. Yes RPM's would be the same. However the length of the arc that passes in a given amount of time would be alot less on a smaller diameter wheel. Say for example you have a wheel that turns at 60RPMs there fore it goes at 1 RPS(econd) so in a 1/4 of a second the wheel goes from point A to point B. Same for a big wheel or a small wheel. Nevertheless, it's clear to see that the distance travelled on the big wheel is much greater than that on a small one. Hope that makes sense
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