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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by SCATMAN

  1. Helmet: Bauer IMS 9.0 (with stock cage)
    Shoulder: Sherwood 5030 (extra belly protection)
    Pants: Reebok 9k Pro Stock Girdle

    Shell: Warrior Syko
    Gloves: Warrior AX1
    Elbow: Jofa 8055 (rotating with Reebok 20K)
    Shins: Reebok 20K (Jofa 8090 backups)
    Skates: Bauer TotalOne MX3
    Stick: V9E, V9, Synergy 80, Sherwood Focus.

  2. The shoulders look very interesting. I was about to buy some RBZ's but I am going to hold out a bit longer now and see how these go in reviews. I wonder how low profile they will actually be? The elbows are also interesting, I use to have some old Mission Warp Zero elbows that had the sleeve (2000/2001), they were great!

    Something I noticed.. In one of the pics at the beginning of the catalog it shows a pretty decent gap between the shoulder cap and bicep guard on the surgeon 500. Hopefully the player wearing it was a giant and adjusted it down to max length.. Not sure how I would feel about a gap like that in padding..

  3. Tell me about the added belly protection for the 5030's. I love mine but they are a bit, er, short....

    It is more "upper abs" than belly I guess.. I just sewed some velcro onto the underside and used a belly protector of an old set of shoulders before I donated them. Just enough coverage to give me ease of mind when a puck comes my way.

    I did consider buying a second set of the sherwoods to cut up and extend the belly protection that way. I am still considering to do that or to fork out for some RBZ/RBZ150's, Supreme's or some 20K's (or a frankenpad of either combination).

  4. Have been meaning to post these for ages. My gear over the years and up to now...

    This was my rig up until mid 2014. I use gear pretty much until it falls apart.


    Due to my pants actually falling apart, a big crack on the knee of 9K's and the straps/liners on most of the gear falling apart I decided to replace some gear.. Picked up an IMS 9.0 helmet, 20K elbows, Mako shins, RBZ150 pants, AX1 gloves, some cheap 55S shoulders and some 5030's. I wasnt a fan of the sherwoods to begin with..


    After a dozen games I decided that I wasn't happy with the shins, shoulders or pants so I picked up a pro stock 9K girdle, 20K shins and added some belly protection to the 5030's. Also replaced the G75's with some MX3's.. Still undecided if that was a good move or not.

    So below is my current rig that I have been using for a few months, including sticks. I am pretty happy with it. I still have the jofa gear, RBZ pants and the G75's just in case I change my mind on some gear again.


    Annnnd from now on I can just post single item photos :p

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  5. Helmet - Bauer 7500
    Visor - Oakley Pro Straight Small (VR904)
    Shoulder - Sherwood 5030
    Elbows - Jofa 8055
    Gloves - Eagle X95 / Warrior Bully
    Pants - Bauer One75
    Shins - Jofa 8090
    Skates - Graf G75
    Sticks - Easton: V9E, S17, ST (all 100 flex)

    Next items will be; Undecided brand/model: Bucket, pants, gloves and;

    Possibly the Pure Hockey Easton 75SE or APX Shoulder Pads

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