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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by ssst123

  1. No i already have the new 9k and the one 95 and was just wondering if anybody else had tried both them on at the same time. Yes i relise that the heel is a little bit wider in the 9k but i found that getting the skate baked with no socks on helped as i wear socks when i am skating ( when baked with no socks on there was a little bit of movement in the heel but as soon as i tried them with socks on there was no movement at all)
  2. I know this sounds silly but i tried on the new 9k and the one 95 and they both fit exactly the same both skates where box size 7.5. i know rbk skates put you onto your toes but the one 95 done exactly the same. Now keep this in mind that i had the 9k on my left foot and the one 95 on my right foot and they were both identical ? Anybody else tried this what do you think
  3. Just in case nobody has seen them in person yet here is a few pictures http://www.240volts.com/hockeylocker/RBK9K_Left.jpg http://www.240volts.com/hockeylocker/RBK9K_Right.jpg http://www.240volts.com/hockeylocker/RBK9K_Back.jpg sorry if the pictures are a bit big don't know how to resize them
  4. helmet: Mission intake (very very comfortable and light weight not to sure on the new airflow system) visor: Hejduk 700 shoulder pads:RBK 8K (great protection but it's a bit bulky the shoulder cups are to big) elbow pads: RBK 8K (very comfortable light weight and great protection) gloves: EAGLE X50 (well what can i say there eagle you hate them or love them) pants: RBK 8K (very comfortable easy to move in and light weight) shin pads: RBK 8K (great guards very good protection) skates: RBK 9 Pumps (very comfortable and light) sticks: Warrior kronik (very light and good feel) :D
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