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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Bauer Supreme 5000
  • Hockey Bag
    Bauer Supreme Silver
  • Shin Pads
    Cooper DG 15
  • Elbow Pads
    Cooper EK 27
  • Shoulder Pads
    Modified Cooper SB91L pads or Bauer SBDII - depending on the game
  • Pants
    Tackla (unknow model number)
  • Helmet
    CCMK HT652
  • Gloves
    Bauer Supreme 2000
  • Stick
    Easton Synthesis 100 flex

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  1. I got mine from Ebay. I can't believe how lucky I got. I was the only bidder on them, so I ending up scoring these for $50 plus $10 for shipping. Not a bad deal at all. I wouldn't mind getting a pair of the SBDII's, though. The III's are a little heavier and bulkier than I thought they would be, but no regrets getting them. After a few modifications they fit me like a glove now.
  2. I love the setup you have there, jschlenske! I picked these up a few months ago. Cooper Pro SBDIII shoulder pads And these just arrived last week. Nike/Bauer Pro Lightspeed elbow pads
  3. I love these shoulder pads. You don't even feel them when they're on. If you really want to find a pair of these just keep trying your local PIAS, if you have one around you. That's where I found mine. I really like your skates...I've got some Supreme 4000s in the garage, after seeing your 5000s I feel like putting some white holders on them now! Thanks. Your LHS should be able to order a pair of white ones for you and replace your old ones for a small fee. I think the holders usually sell for around $60 USD. Depending on the policy at your LHS, they might even do the change for free if you purchase the holders through them.
  4. I got my camera back from my buddy so here's my stuff. CCM nugget bucket CCM elbow pads Bauer gloves Cooper shoulder pads Tackla breezers Itech shin gaurds Bauer 5000 skates
  5. Goo Gone cleans up tape residue and everything else nicely on sticks. Goo Gone...that stuff does work pretty well. You can also use lighter fluid, acetone, rubbing alcohol or ethyl alcohol. The alcohols have to be be fairly concentrated but they will get the job done (alcohols wouldn't be my first choice though). If you have a bottle of Everclear that should work. mack, if you're worried about the paint being stripped off the stick wet a rag or paper towel and rub it over a small spot on the stick to see what happens. My sticks have a krylon job too and when I used lighter fluid the paint stayed on. A little came off but it wasn't totally stripped. Worst case scenario, you can always grab the spray can and touch it up after the solvent dries. My camera is on loan to a buddy now but I'll post pics of my stuff when I get it back.
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