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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Bender

  1. It's Kind of hard to avoid the sought of wear on your skates, but there are things you can put on the high wear areas of your skates to help slow down the process. Unfortunatly I can't find a link but apparently one of the speed companys sell little pads you glue on which I believe are a similar material to the old abrasion pads that mission used (that black slightly roughly textured stuff). Otherwise you can use a resin/epoxy, some thick glue such as shoe goo or similar etc. if one thing doesn't work it's pretty easy to try something else out.

  2. Speaking of the whole inline to ice conversion, I'm contemplating a pair of the new boss black skates with tuuks. May be too much white so I may go with the Commander Black. I just can't decide which skate and if I really should...I love my one95's :lol:

    crazy-luke-finch photshopped some in the "Photoshopped equipment" thread <a href="http://crazy-luke-finch%20View%20Member%20Profile%20Add%20as%20Friend%20Send%20Message%20Find%20Member's%20Topics%20Find%20Member's%20Posts%20 %20post%20N" target="_blank">here</a>

    I had seen it before it did add a good amount of fuel to the fire but I'm waiting for my shop to get the Commander in my size and that will eventually make my decision. I may end up doing both lol.

    what if you put a bit of something over the red on the holders, dye it black, take off the glue or whatever you used to cover the red so you end up with black and red tuuks to mount on commanders :P

  3. Working on that right now Radio haha. The fan is the only thing throwing me off. Any ideas for a semi quiet fan that could fit at the base of a thick pvc pipe? I mean a hair dryer would work wonderfully, but unless I can find a decently quiet one, I am out of luck.

    Not sure they would be powerful enough, but what about some computer fans, those can be nice and quiet and they don't have to be expensive.

  4. What kind of wheels you have on those sprunged tacks? they look rather similar to those in the picture of the second top mission 2009 inlines.

    EDIT: Looked back, they are definatly different wheels, ignore me :ph34r:

    Whisky, definatly blacked out

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