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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by shooter27

  1. Another question from a non-goaltender.  We all have seen how popular the RVH has become and we've also all heard the debate about its usage given the fact that it has created opportunities for high short-side or bank shot goals that we never would've seen back in the days when goalies stood upright against the post.  To me, those goals are bad goals and they are the result of faulty usage of the technique. But, I've seen comments from multiple NHL goalies saying that those goals are "not on us." So my question is this: Does the advantage gained from the RVH - namely the ability to push across and react to the cross-ice pass better - outweigh the risk associated with opening up those short-side opportunities?

    As a non-goalie my gut says no.  It seems to me that whatever advantage you gain from being in the RVH vs. standing up against the post (or using the basic VH) will save fewer goals than you'll let up on those short-side shots - especially when accounting for how deflating those goals against are to the team.  That being said, I'm totally open to hearing from the goalies here as to why I'm wrong on the topic.

  2. Weird question for everyone.  I heard someone talking about Flex Potvin on a podcast recently and it reminded me that when he first came into the league he held his glove in an odd way.  When he first game in he held his glove with the palm facing up towards the ceiling, sometimes even back towards himself (see the pictures below).  Anyone know why he did this? Or if there were any advantages of that?



  3. 22 hours ago, flip12 said:


    Just noticed Doughty's got 55-Flex lace extenders. Is this his way of dealing with the switch from (semi-)soft shell to hard shell Vapors?

    He now contends with Jagr for the all-time Frankenskate.

    Any idea where to find those these days? I've been looking for a new pair for years.  The 55flex website doesn't exist any longer.

  4. Over the years seeing older games on YouTube and such I’ve noticed some weird ice markings/rules in various leagues/competitions and I was hoping to start a thread that might be able to answer the rationale behind some of them.  

    For instance, I recently came across the 1978 NCAA championship game between BC and BU and noticed that there was no red line painted on the ice (it was on the boards, however).  Does anyone know what the story was here and why there was no red line on the ice? Was icing called from the defensive blue line or something? Just extremely confusing to see.

    ΩWhile we’re at it, also noticed that the game only had 2 officials.  Anyone know when the NCAA went to 3 officials?



  5. That makes sense.  Though I would’ve thought that, given their visor product, helmets would’ve been the logical extension if they wanted to have their name visible on something.  Especially since back then helmets were cheaper than gloves (that fact blows my mind given what we know about head injuries today).  Just always seemed odd to me to go to gloves from visors.  

  6. On 8/18/2023 at 10:53 PM, MyBoxersSayJoe said:

    Oakley Mace gloves were a weird one.  Just because the Brand and the aesthetic design.

    I was always curious what Oakley’s strategy with those gloves was.  They had visors, but they didn’t do hardgoods in any other sport so it just seemed odd to target hockey.  There were a fair number of NHL guys that wore them (I’m guessing paid).  Maybe someone on here who was in the business at that time knows. 

  7. I’d second re-trying the contacts.  I began wearing them as a kid and it changed my vision both on and off the ice.

    However, barring that, before contacts I had a pair of goggles (not rec specs) that weren’t enclosed on the sides like rec specs are.  Essentially the front of them sat on the bridge of the nose like normal glasses and then there were plastic d-rings that linked back to a strap around the head. So it was basically glasses without side stems, plus the strap.  I found those never fogged because of the extra ventilation, whereas the rec specs of the day (we’re talking early 90s) ALWAYS fogged.  I tried to find a picture of them online but couldn’t. 

  8. On 5/18/2023 at 10:53 AM, VegasHockey said:

    I always wonder the actual involvement of the Pros in companies, such as Skatescribe. Are these Pros just getting a few % of ownership in exchange for attaching their name to a product, or are they actually investing significant capital? 

    Look at the way they talk about LaFontaine in his bio on the site.  “Valor was inspired by HOF…” (emphasis mine).  That tells you all you need to know about his level of involvement.  

    My guess is their target market is actually scared parents that will force their kids to wear the helmet because I can’t see any independent adult actively choosing to wear that thing.

  9. On 10/17/2022 at 11:35 PM, PBH said:

    Let's get some facts out:

    • Fly holder will accept only Fly steel. The center of the holder (steel channel) is skinner than the front and back, kinda like this )(
    • Fly steel will work with Fly or Edge holder. 
    • Edge steel cannot fit into Fly holder. 
    • Fly holder is stiffer in the front and softer in the heel to allow for more ice contact when coming out of turns. Same idea why they softened the rear outsole on the Hyperlite boot. Overall, it's significantly stiffer than the current EDGE holder. You cannot twist the Fly holder with your hands like you are able to do with the EDGE holder. 
    • Same height, same dimensions, some bolting pattern.
    • The trigger is grey, like the current EDGE holder. 
    • Weight is the same as the EDGE holder.

    Is Fly going to be exclusive to the Vapor line or will it be coming to the Supreme line as well?

  10. Has anyone actually exercised CCM’s 90 day satisfaction guarantee for simply being unhappy with the product (i.e. its not defective, you just don’t like the skates)?

    I’m curious because I’m considering buying a pair of Tacks but for 30+ years I’ve been a Bauer wearer so I’m a little hesitant.  The 90 day guarantee gives me confidence to try to Tacks and if I don’t like them I can always return them and go back to Bauer’s.  But, if its one of those things where they make it a huge pain to get your money back, or you only get a credit towards CCM product, or something to that effect then I’d have to think a lot harder about switching.  Any direct experience stories would be greatly appreciated.

  11. I’m in the process of moving and as I’m cleaning things out I’ve found some old items (skates and sticks mostly) that still have life in them and could make for good donations.  

    The first question is, if I’ve got a pair of ~15 year old top end skates that are barely used but need steel - is it worth donating them or is it more cost than its worth for someone to put steel in them to make them usable?

    Second question is, I’m in So Cal - Where could I donate this stuff?

  12. I will maintain till my last breath that the pinnacle of elbow pad design was the old Cooper Techniflex elbows (the original 3-piece design).  The key was that the elbow cap floated above the other two pieces, and the wrist guard/bicep pad vessentially formed a basic hinge at the elbow joint.  The mobility and protection was fantastic.  They had issues with sliding down because of the materials at the time, but with modern materials I can only imagine what they’d be like today.  

  13. There are two places I could think of around LA that might be able to do it.  The first is the place in El Segundo in a shopping center by TSC.  I believe it was called Rick’s at one time but they may have changed the name. The second is the place in the Rinx at Anaheim Ice. I believe that one was called Ultimate Skate, or something similar to that.  I think they may have moved to the Ducks new practice rink in Irvine.  

  14. The race for the stiffest skate has been going on for ages.  The original Bauer 7000’s from about ‘99 or so are still the stiffest skates I’ve felt out of the box.  The felt like a brick before they were baked, and even after.  I haven’t touched a new skate in about five years, but from what I recall the last top end model I touched wasn’t nearly as stiff as those old 7000’s.  The material was harder, since the old ones were built with leather and ballistic nylon (I think), but actually had more built-in flex than those old one because of how many layers of materials it took to build the old ones.  

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