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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by shooter27

  1. If it's available to everyone then it's not an unfair advantage and I doubt it would be banned by the NHL. Composite sticks allow players to shoot harder and they're not banned and they provide a similar advantage in shooting to what this product proports to provide for skating.

    Overdrive blades were banned, in my understanding, because they changed the way skates actually function, by adding an extra blade. This product doesn't do that, just like composite sticks don't change the way sticks function, they improve the way those pieces function. Now I'm not a goalie, so I never followed the overdrive debate, so I could be wrong on why they were banned, but that's the way I understood it

  2. Blocked a shot last night and both bruising a bone and spraining the posterior tibial tendon. Walking boot for 6 weeks. Spring season's over for me :(

    Blocked one by accident last week and it earned me this. It's a sold 8-9inches across.


    Won't be doing that again soon

  3. Yeah, that's likely what I'll do. I'm just amazed a pair of skates could make it through QC with two footbeds and then I could skate on it once without noticing. Heck, I didn't even notice when I took the top footbed out to dry, only when I went to put it back in.

  4. I know a few people have mentioned how thin the footbeds are, well I just found out first hand. I was packing my bag for tomorrow and I went to put the footbeds back in the right skate, but there was already a footbed there. For a minute I though maybe I had already put it in and was just holding the left one by mistake, but nope, the right skate came with two footbeds in it. Now, I've only been on the ice in the saktes once, but I couldn't have told you there were two footbeds until I just saw them. Heck, I didn't even notice when I took the footbed out. I doubt it will have any effect on how the skate performs, but I'm wondering if I should have them rebaked, since the first time I was obviously using two footbeds.

  5. I'd find it interesting if Sprungster would comment on these and how they would compare to his design.

    On the price, yes it's expensive but it includes wheels (plus 2 extra), spacers, and bearings. Last time I looked, to outfit oneself with a complete setup of sprungs (if they were available), bearings (mid-grade, nothing fancy), spacers, and 10 wheels (again mid grade) would cost ~ $275-$325. In that context, and considering everything that comes in the kit, I think they're probably not as expensive as it seems at first look. Still expensive, no doubt, but less outrageously expensive.

  6. It's just different in my mind that MLX wasn't an existing brand, it was rather like a petri dish. This just seems like a boot maker spotting opportunity to grow. I can't imagine wanting to sell VH, speed skate and cycle boot manufacturing and all.

    That may be true, but its always possible to sell off one product line/division/subsidiary and leave the rest of the business in tact. Not saying I think that's the path they're following, just that if they were to sell the skate business, they wouldn't have to sell the speed skate and cycling boot businesses at the same time or to the same buyer, or at all for that matter.

  7. I would think that 100 grams would have a much greater effect in running simply from the standpoint that adding 100 grams in a running capacity is a greater addition as the percentage of total weight. Take someone that weights 100 kilos (100,000 grams) that is running and add 100 grams, you're adding 0.1% to the total weight. Now make that same person a hockey player wearing hockey equipment that weights roughly 5 kilos. That gives a total weight of 105 kilos (105,000 grams) and add 100 grams, you're adding 0.095% to the total weight. Now, obviously those are small numbers, but you're citing a running study that found a 1% increase in oxygen cost for a 0.1% (roughly, I know 100 kilos is a heavy person, but it gives a sense of order of magnitude) increase in weight. It would be my guess that a smaller increase in weight percentage wise would result in a smaller increase in oxygen cost, not a larger one. And that would mean comparing the oxygen cost of a hockey player before the additional 100 grams and after the additional 100 grams, not comparing it to a runner.

  8. I always used to go by that logic, but it has lead me wrong a couple of times. For instance, a while back I bought a pair of Graf 705s. I was able to fit into them and the lacing pattern looked good. But when I got on the ice it literally felt like I was spilling over the sides of the skate. My balance was way off, particularly in turning, because it felt like I was standing on top of the skate rather than standing in the skate, almost like I had just strapped holders and blades to my feet with no boot. That's why I've been so reluctant to go with the 9

  9. I'm really conflicted about sizing of this skate. I wear a 9 Bauer TotalOne but a 9.5 Graf. I've tried on both the 9 and 9.5 Mako and I'm conflicted. The 9 fits in the sense that my toes are against the end cap, but its not uncomfortable (obviously will open up with baking) but the 9.5 I still can feather the end of the cap. The upper of the 9.5 seems to fit me better than the 9. I'm very worried about how the 9.5 might open up too much with baking.

  10. Its pretty cool. When working with goalies there has been a lot of times they want to have more bite on the inside edges, what we did is take a FBV and make the inside edge have more bite than the outside edge while maintaining the equal edges. When the goalies skate on it they have equal edges and really don't have that awkward feeling of one edge lower than the other anymore. We than were testing it on players and are finding out that the inside edge is more predominantly used than the outside edge and are starting to look at the effects, that's for another day however Jagr is having some fun with that.

    So can I infer that you've had some success with asymmetrical flat bottom sharpening in skaters as well as goalies? That surprises me

  11. Sounds like Easton wasn't really ready to launch the skate on the 15th, with some stores allocated only a single pair per size and some nothing smaller than a 7-1/2. Let's see how long it takes for additonal sizes and widths to make it into the stores.

    From what I was told by the employees at HM, they were scheduled to get their personal pairs by the middle of this week, so I wouldn't think it would be too long.

  12. I guarantee that they don't get one of each size/width (at least not in Easton) since there were no 5.0-Regular, 5.0-Wide, 5.5-Wide, 7.5-Wide. I find it hard to believe that they would have sold those sizes within two days of release, especially the wides in 5.0 and 5.5. A Bauer skate maybe, but an Easton?

    I was there Saturday morning and they mentioned they had sold 4 pairs on Friday. In addition, they mentioned someone else had already called that morning stating they were coming in to buy either the 6 or 6.5D. Several of the employees I spoke to said they were a little annoyed that they couldn't try on their preferred sizes because they had either already been sold or someone had called ahead to say they were coming in to buy them. That was Saturday morning. Given that you're talking about being in the shop a day later, I could fully understand how they had already sold those four sizes. I get that it sucks they didn't have the sizes you wanted to try on, but it's not their fault that the pair in that size they were allocated were already sold.

  13. The one thing I was disappointed in was the fact that HM did not have a full size/width run on a brand new skate to try on.

    I was at HM in Irvine yesterday and was told that each store got one of each size for the release. So if they had already sold the size you were looking for, that explains why they didn't have it for you to try on.

  14. I tried them on and found them quite comfortable. The one thing I really liked was how far into the toecap the tongue padding extended. Though I wasn't able to get them on without them being heated a little bit first (about 5 minutes). I'm not sure if they're right for me though, I think I'm between sizes as the 9 felt like I was spilling over the sides of the skate a little bit, the 9EE felt too wide in the heel, and the 9.5 felt like it might be a touch too long. I wear a 9C in TotalOne NXG but I wear a 9.5R in Graf so I'm not sure about sizing.

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