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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Bauer X60
  • Hockey Bag
    Team Bag
  • Shin Pads
  • Elbow Pads
    Rbk Lacrosse
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Pants
    Rbk with a Tackla Shell
  • Helmet
    Bauer 5500 with a pinch of Oakley
  • Gloves
  • Stick
    Bauer X60

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  • Interests
    Smallmouth Fishing
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  1. I'd like to see it in action, sounds like I over estimated the amount of resistance from the wheel if you can let go of the holder and it doesn't move.
  2. I never said I was going to use a $1700 Blackstone Spinner. I'm making an educated decision on whether a purchase is necessary or if I can make something that will work successfully;) How do you check to make sure your wheel is true? Also, looking for some input here that might change my opinion on the Z-block idea......is the wheel spinning fast enough when dressed that any discrepancies in pressure are negligible?...As far as the wheel staying true that is..
  3. I don't wanna harsh this guy's buzz, but I can see a major flaw in that design. He has no way of making sure the wheel is true. Yeah he might get the FBV on there but unlike the real spinner system there is no way for him to regulate how much of the wheel he is essentially "taking off." Thats why the true spinner system has a magnet that locks it into place and then a pillow block that allows the spinner wheel to be moved in and out in a regulated fashion. Its a pretty simple design that Blackstone has come up with, but the real beauty of it is in that pillow block. And thats not something an everyday machinist has laying around.
  4. what kind of customization have you done to your wissota? I've built a profiling/contouring apparatus for mine. Ground the grinding surface completely flat. It varied a little straight from the manufacturer. That was a pretty minor mod. The biggest one was that we changed the holder quite a bit. We positioned the one single dial in the back stationary with the face of the holder completely perpendicular to the grinding surface using a machinists' square. Then we have two dials that each control one side of the holder with indicators (similar to the one in the picture) on each side. For each side one dial moves the holder on that side up or down in increments that can be read on the indicator..and one dial to lock the holder into position. If this is hard to understand I can post some pictures if your interested.
  5. Yeah I showed my father who is a tool maker for an aerospace company and the first thing he said was that the spinner system is definitely not worth the money and something similar (like the one in the link) could be made without much trouble.
  6. Dang. After all the work I've put into customizing this Wissota I'd hate to buy a whole new machine.
  7. I have a Wissota at the moment for my personal use. If I would purchase the XO1 does the $800-something price include the spinner. Looks like a spinner by itself cost $1700 if I'm looking at this correctly... That doesn't seem to make sense to me obviously.
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