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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Vermette20

  1. *Deleted because someone can't read or follow rules*
  2. I had to laugh at myself today, All my new RBK equipment is labeled on some part as Jofa, so must be RBK took over the whole Jofa line. Actually looking at the old gloves, they are almost the same pattern as the old jofa's. Anyhow reason I had to laugh is, by name alone I would have never worn or used any Jofa items ( except maybe shoulder, elbow and shin guards). Now that I got my new equipment, I have found it to be more comfortable than anything I have used before. So the moral of this story is, dont buy on name alone, you may be missing out on something good. On a side note my friends old Jofa pants, I did like and they seemed comfortable and there's really not much difference between them and my 5k's. Anyhow sorry to get off topic, but I got a good chuckle out of it. Casey
  3. The curve is the Crosby ( sakic clone) although its a bit longer and more squared than the sakic, plus its a higher lie of 6. casey
  4. Alright here's my gear, just got a bunch of new stuff as my old equipment was just that getting old and falling apart. Not all my sticks are pictured I have a RBK 7k shaft in the mail, and a sherwood force flex shaft at my friends and a few more bauer woodies at my friends. Never know when you need a stick, and you cant get back home :D Casey
  5. Guys, Was gonna put my gear up on here, but cant for the life of me figure out how to put the pictures up. Says have to type the URL, The pics I have are on my computer and not the internet. Any help? Casey
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