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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by EBondo

  1. There we go. That's who I was hoping to get a response from, haha. Appreciate it, THockey.

    I figured it would be the way to go. I was reading up on it, and everyone said it was much more durable, and if it'll save me a few hundred dollars I can put towards the navi system, even better.

    This is what I was leaning towards. Found the picture on Car Domain and fell in love


  2. I'll throw this in here too. This pretty little lady just showed up today. Some of you may recognize the curve as well. It's in great shape, but I only wish it weren't a lefty, otherwise I'd give this blade a shot. Oh well, it's becoming a shaft. Brand new Si-Core Z-Carbon Modano blade will be here tomorrow or so.

    Ahhh. The days when Easton made good sticks. I loved the Si-Core Grip.

  3. Went thru old stuff from older computers and saw this. About 6 years old and tho it's showing barely any of the sticks, it's a nice reminder of when the collection wasn't so big and a wife/kids weren't around to relegate them to storage. Also remind me how shitty phone pics were in the day.

    Just the sight of an Xn10... :( .

    Almost enough to bring a tear to your eye.

  4. One of my neighbors from my old street, although undrafted, signed today with the Cleveland Browns. His name is Jon Dempsey, out of the University of Louisville. Can only imagine the happiness for him right now. His mother passed away, who was an even greater person than Jon, and it's awesome to see him making it. Just wanna say congrats to him.

  5. Time to find a new goalie, because when you score seven-eight goals a game, you should be able to win the game, especially when your defense is great. But when you're goalie is allowing anywhere from 13-16 goals a game...it's not even fun anymore.

    EDIT - My frustration is so high I forgot to mention I also broke my X:60 today. Blade got jammed in the net skating behind it, jammed into my stomach and SNAP!

  6. Was your friend okay, did he file charges? assault with a deadly weapon at least?

    He was alright, just had to get a lot of stitches closed up. It was a long time ago, so I don't remember exactly what went down, but off the top of my head I don't think he filed any charges or anything, which surprises me now.

  7. Taking off the skate to try to stab someone? Classy, regardless if in rec or competitive games...

    Friend of mine, playing in a travel league, years back, got hit from behind in open ice. As he was on the ice, kid ripped off my friend's helmet and kicked him in the head (with his skate on). Skated off the ice, somehow got into his car without anyone stopping him, and drove off. Kid ended up only getting a USA Hockey ban. Ridiculous.

  8. Do you count old gear you don't use anymore? I have XX's and XXXX's for gloves but only use the XXXX's. I only use my one95 skates but have others.

    Nahh. Because I normally use it until they're unusable. My previous pair of 4-Rolls I had were ripped to shreds, so they're waiting to be thrown out (they're past the point of repair now).

    I have two pairs of skates, one for indoor, one for outdoor. I've used the same helmet for a few years now (4500), same elbow pads for 11 years (olddd Jofas) and one pair of shin guards (NBH Supreme 70)

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