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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Status Updates posted by Sid

  1. Hi there

    i am looking into my first custom skates 

    i have noticed your reviews on the true and your experience with the ccm skates. I am thinking about getting true or ccm skates  and wondering if you could offer some input. 

    I have noticed the weight difference in the true compared to the as1. Did you find a noticeable difference on the ice or was it one of those things where when your on the ice no difference was noticed. 

    I also noticed you replaced the holder did that offer any weight reductions?

    you had also made mention ccm did not want to send without holders, did you manage to order them without and was it a fight?

    performance wish did you lean to one skate more than the other?

    thanks for your input


    1. VegasHockey


      If you go full custom with the AS1 and use any aftermarket steel, like Step or Tydan, the weight is very similar but the TRUE skates will still likely weight slightly more. On the ice, I did not notice the weight difference. Replacing the VH/TRUE holder with a TUUK LS Edge with Tydan steel actually weighed more than the VH/TRUE holder with the Step steel. With CCM, I was able to get them ordered without the holder mounted but CCM did not want to do it and it was quite the fight to get it done. Performance wise, I think TRUE skates outperform CCM and the durability of the skates is noticeable compared to CCM and Bauer. My TRUE skates still look like new. 

    2. Sid


      Thanks for the input

  2. Hi JR

    i know this may be a dumb question but if I wanted to swap out 280 Graf holders with tuuk ls2 the Tuuks would need to be 280 as well correct?


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