So I stumbled onto this thread since I'm shopping for insoles now, and I'm wondering if the guys who have been skating on these yet have any thoughts to share?
I've actually had the old, original gray Superfeet (which were meant for hockey skates back when I bought them) for years, and they've held up great so I never bothered to buy the yellow ones. I assumed when the time came for new ones it would be an easy choice to replace them, but I just got new skates and want to get new insoles-- but with this added choice of the Carbon Pro, I'm wondering which way to go. In addition to the pros/cons of the Yellow vs. Carbon Pro, I'm also curious if you guys can help me understand how these both compare to the older gray version? Was the Yellow a direct replacement/evolution of the original gray? If not, what is different? If I really love the original gray ones, does that point to a choice of one or other (Yellow vs. Carbon Pro?)
I'm not a heavy skater, (160lbs), and I'm just a rec league player (2-3 times a week on average), but volume is always a concern for me (I've always been one of those people whose eyelets are always super far apart from each other) and while the gray Superfeet didn't give me any complaints (and helped me get a better heel lock), I don't want to tempt fate with something that people complain about adding volume, compared to an alternative.
Thoughts welcome... Thanks!