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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by coryroth24

  1. I'm getting and end of the year bonus. Yea, awesome, money I didn't have before and I'm grateful for it. I write this in the venting spot because the dip shit couple that also works here, who show up 15-30 minutes late, every day, are also getting a bonus because our owner "doesn't think it's fair that everyone else gets a bonus and they don't") Fucking seriously? What is this, first grade? Everyone gets a trophy for participating? smiley-bangheadonwall-yellow.gif

  2. Can't stand when people do this. If you don't like someone riding close to you then either speed up or move over and let them by. Why create a potential accident?

    Because we were in a line of traffic and I had nowhere to go other than up the ass of the person in front of me or the grass median. Plus, you've been to Jersey, you see how we drive... :wacko:

  3. Made a Soccer Mom in her oversized SUV wear her coffee this morning. Cruising down the highway on the way to work this morning, I look in my rearview mirror and don't even see this woman's headlights she was so far up my ass! I saw that she was looking down at something, so I gave her a few seconds to realize what she was doing. Well, she didn't. I saw her take a sip of coffee, then I waited for the next sip and hit the breaks. It was freakin' epic! She came nowhere near me the rest of the ride in.

  4. A pair of new, old acquisitions...


    "Used" Vapor 10's. Think they were used a few times though, and not rough. I'm thinking that the guy swapped out the steel before he sent them to me. Too much is gone to justify how good of shape these things are in...


    And just had to do a family photo.


  5. Got this woman that sits across the hallway from me at work. She is just too loud for anyone's taste. Always has to say something out loud, to no one, to try and get someone to respond to her. She drives me fucking nuts! Been here for 10 minutes now and I'm already banging my head on the desk.

    And yes, she is that person who will genuinely come up to you and say "looks like somebody has a case of the Mundays..."

  6. Ignition coil went on my Jetta yesterday. Got the call from VW this morning saying it was shot and had to be replaced. Then they called me back, said they can clean it up and pop it back in. Perfect right? Well, that phone call ended with them telling me my local STS Tire put the wrong spark plugs in my freaking car!!! :facepalm:

  7. Have a bunch of stuff coming in tomorrow, so was organizing a bit of what I have today.

    Here's all the pants and helmets with about half the glove stashed above.

    Pants: Montreal Reeboks, Kindl Redwings Warriors, Kelser/Ehrhoff Canucks Warriors, Islander Warriors, Tackla Winter classic style, ccm's (haha don't know model but almost no padding at all), and Kesler's Supremes.

    If that was my stash, you'd also be seeing divorce papers in the picture... Holy crap dude!

  8. Having the absolute worst home buying experience ever. Spoke with my lawyer today, we're supposed to close tomorrow so he was telling me how much I gotta bring to the table to close out the deal. Okay, fine, no problem, that's what we were expecting. Then he goes on to tell me that the seller needs to show up tomorrow with $330,000 in order for us to get a clear title. Mr. Lawyer made me feel MUCH better by informing me that he's scrambling around with his bank to try and come up with the cash. This has been three months of hell. I pray to God this guy doesn't show up in person tomorrow and just sends his lawyer instead. I'm not known for thinking about my words before they come out of my mouth. Better yet, I'd be testing my reflexes to see how fast I can grab wifey before she mauls him...

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