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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by stran11

  1. I don't think so, but can't remember seller's name.
  2. No, those guys don't ship Bauer stuff to Canada. It was a private seller who just had a few items.
  3. Thanks. No name. You guys may be right that it's not actually pro stock. Besides not having a Name or number, I don't really know what other details would separate pro stock from retail.
  4. My small collection: Always so used to 4-rolls didn't think of trying anything else until recently. The "anatomic fit" of the x60 pros seems very natural and there was no break in period. But the best part is the huge range of wrist mobility.
  5. Where can I buy those slash guards? Thx
  6. I tried the X50 first, but even after baking, the boot did not conform as well to my feet as the X60 did.
  7. Early Xmas! Baked it myself at home. Amazing how the boot was so easily moldable compared to the X:50!
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