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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by jgiant

  1. I'm in desperate need of some new gloves for myself! I coach my son's U12 team and play pickup when I can, so I don't need anything too crazy. Looking at 14" on clearance, buying sight unseen is tough w/o being able to try them on for feel, I was hoping to get some forum feedback before I decide. I've narrowed down to any of the True Catalyst (9X3, 7X3, 5X3, and XS3), Warrior Covert QR5 20, and Sherwood Code TMP 1. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance!
  2. Thank you, I'm going to buy this, appreciated, but I will need to be aware if I'm pulling out coated steel, thank you for that heads up as well!
  3. Could someone please tell me, or send me a Home Depot/Lowes link, of the exact hand tool these NHL equipment managers are using to pull the steel out of the holder? I'd like to purchase one for myself. Thank you in advance, appreciated! https://www.instagram.com/p/CqJiPvbAY3J/ https://youtube.com/shorts/RiktDzGv1LM
  4. Could someone please clarify, in regards strictly to monitoring blade tape wear and using the correct lie... (1) If there is more wear at the heel, then you should try either a lower lie OR a longer/shorter stick?! (I want to say 'shorter') (2) If there is more wear at the toe, then you should try either a higher lie OR a longer/shorter stick?! (I want to say 'longer') Thank you in advance, much appreciated.
  5. Are "6 lie" users still being left in the dark for '10 when it comes to EASTON or are they finally adding a "6 lie" option again this year? Haven't produced anything 6 lie, at retail, since they phased out the Shanahan and Yzerman.
  6. I apologize for the slight hijack, but does anyone know of any shops in the Boston area doing the FBV? Driving to NH to get the FBV done is definitely worth it, but extremely time consuming. Please write or PM me if you happen to know. I appreciate it.
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