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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. The main problem with the E-Pro is that it is made with cheap materials and doesnt look like it could stand up to a season of hockey. It's flimsy and absolutely nowhere near the NBH 4-Roll in terms of quality and construction.
  2. Why doesn't Reebok have a 4-Roll like the ones offered at the Pro level? I tried some pro returns on at my local LHS and they were super comfy.
  3. Why is ccm's new gear so ugly? it looks like their inspiration was some 1980's robot movies.
  4. One issue my buddies and I have had to put up lately is drunk guys. Now im not against drinking but its frustrating when you got the goofy drunk trying to man the point and turning the puck over constantly. This is annoying but not as bad as the Angry drunk, this guy is a really good player but he still feels the need to tune up all of us losers at the drop in session. He rocks a tinted visor (not implying anything...) and he just tries to make a fool of all us guys (who are beginners) especially my buddy who was playing goal. he only played 3 times but this guy just kept deking him out and laughing at him. if you are good, encourage the not so good guys and dont try to make them look like fools. make a legit play but don't do something you wouldnt normally do.
  5. Helmet: Bauer 4000 w/ Itech RBEIII cage Shoulders: Koho Revolution (bought second hand dunno too much about them) Elbows: Easton "Extreme Catalyst" (their old) Gloves: Bauer Vapor Velocity Pants: Tackla 900? 951? something like that Shins: Old Koho Shins Jock: Nice shockdoctor compression short.. very comfy. Skates: Easton 333 Stick: Montreal Nitro Force shaft 70 flex, Easton wood sakic blade
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