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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About The_Franchise

  • Birthday 05/14/1991


  • Skates
    Player- Bauer one90 Goalie- Bauer XXX
  • Hockey Bag
    Kobe and sherwood lol
  • Shin Pads
    Player- Graf's Goalie- Bauer Supreme pro 35+1
  • Elbow Pads
    Itech I think
  • Shoulder Pads
    Player- Itech, I think Goalie- Mckenney pro spec
  • Pants
    Player- Graf Goalie- Mckenney
  • Helmet
    Player- Bauer 5000 with itech visor, or Bauer cage Goalie- Sportmask Richochet
  • Gloves
    Player- Warrior/MIA 'franchise' Goalie- Bauer Supreme Ty Conklin Pro Return
  • Stick
    Player- RBK 7k with TPS prostock blade Goalie-Montreal Nitro, Joseph curve

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  1. The reason no one is passing to you is because of you Italy jersey lol Always congratulate a goalie and tell him good game and stuff tap him on the pad and a good save during the game is nice, and don't be a thomas holmstrom lol. Leave it all on the ice, when I pay the man I go into the other dressing room and I will give everyone a "good game". Once more, don't be afraid to tell someone to get off the ice or to stop dicking around!!
  2. Next time just get longer screws and leave the old holders in place. ;) lol see I am not a genius like you!! That seems like a pretty simple idea lol
  3. And I also got a new bucket just a little while ago... Vector V8, so a V10 shell with dual density foam, and a Itech half shield, and boy was that a bitch to get on. CCM glued fabric over the stock bolt holder things so I had to spend 40 minutes taking off the extra glue and take out the bolt holder to put in the extended holders that Itech supplies for you!! but its nice. I removed the ear pieces for now, but intend to put them back on, pretty simple to take on and off Forgot the pics
  4. Lol yeah I dont really care because they are so comfortable!! I did however just buy a new bucket, its black though sooo not really And I showed the gloves to my friend and he said the palms were so soft, and jokingly i said yeah they are probably made out of kangaroo or some shit. I looked on the website last night it said it was kangaroo leather lol
  5. Player Gloves- Warrior/MIA Franchise Skates- One90, picked them up for $60 Stick- RBK 2 piece with TPS curve, can anyone tell me what curve this is similar too in other companies. Helmet- Bauer 5000 with cage, usually has visor, new bucket tonight though(maybe) Not pictured Pants-Graf G700 Shin- Graf G500 Elbows- Easton Visor- Itech Straight cut half shield Chesty- Itech Goalie Glove/blocker- Bauer Supreme Ty Conklin Pro Returns Pads- Bauer Supreme SE-3 Helmet- Sportmask Richochet VE Not pictured Skates- Bauer Vapor XXX Chesty- McKenney Pro Spec Pants- McKenney Stick- Montreal Nitro
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