The reason no one is passing to you is because of you Italy jersey lol Always congratulate a goalie and tell him good game and stuff tap him on the pad and a good save during the game is nice, and don't be a thomas holmstrom lol. Leave it all on the ice, when I pay the man I go into the other dressing room and I will give everyone a "good game". Once more, don't be afraid to tell someone to get off the ice or to stop dicking around!!
And I also got a new bucket just a little while ago... Vector V8, so a V10 shell with dual density foam, and a Itech half shield, and boy was that a bitch to get on. CCM glued fabric over the stock bolt holder things so I had to spend 40 minutes taking off the extra glue and take out the bolt holder to put in the extended holders that Itech supplies for you!! but its nice. I removed the ear pieces for now, but intend to put them back on, pretty simple to take on and off Forgot the pics
Lol yeah I dont really care because they are so comfortable!! I did however just buy a new bucket, its black though sooo not really And I showed the gloves to my friend and he said the palms were so soft, and jokingly i said yeah they are probably made out of kangaroo or some shit. I looked on the website last night it said it was kangaroo leather lol
Player Gloves- Warrior/MIA Franchise Skates- One90, picked them up for $60 Stick- RBK 2 piece with TPS curve, can anyone tell me what curve this is similar too in other companies. Helmet- Bauer 5000 with cage, usually has visor, new bucket tonight though(maybe) Not pictured Pants-Graf G700 Shin- Graf G500 Elbows- Easton Visor- Itech Straight cut half shield Chesty- Itech Goalie Glove/blocker- Bauer Supreme Ty Conklin Pro Returns Pads- Bauer Supreme SE-3 Helmet- Sportmask Richochet VE Not pictured Skates- Bauer Vapor XXX Chesty- McKenney Pro Spec Pants- McKenney Stick- Montreal Nitro