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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by the_game

  1. Prolly the last shots of the year, rockin' the red sock tape for our rink dedication. It was renamed for a former player who was killed with the green berets last year, so we all wore the red sock tape. It was quite the ceremony with the state officials, honor guard and bagpipes; not a dry eye in the house.


    Care to elaborate? Sounds sad.

    Sure, he was one of those hardworking kids, it took him a year or two to crack the varsity, but one of those players who'd go through a wall if the coach asked him to. Total team player, and his family was still heavily involved in the program after he graduated. He said he couldn't envision himself doing anything other than being a US Special Forces operator, and gave his life in Iraq. We live in a pretty small town, but it's been unbelievable to see the community rally around his family.

    Hey Greechbc9,

    Are you talking about Rob Pirelli?

  2. The new Minus The Bear record 'Planet of Ice' is REALLY good. Probably their most polished and melodic work.

    Voxtrot's recent self titled album is also on heavy rotation in the ipod.

    Oh, and I forgot to mention, I've been digging Matt Skiba of Alkaline Trio's side project: Heavens. Very 80s-ish, for fans of New Order/Wire/Smiths/Morrissey.

    Nightmare Of You - Bang (EP)

    Big supporter of Voxtrot, saw them live about 2 years ago in a small venue and knew after that they'd get popular. If you like Voxtrot, check out a band called the Magic Bullets.

    also, I just got an early copy of the new As Tall As Lions EP which is nothing short of amazing. Mike Watt worked with ATAL on this EP and I highly suggest checking it out.

  3. My Gear:

    Helmet: Mission Intake and the precursor to that the Itech one

    Shoulders: don't need em in mens league or roller hockey

    elbows: Winwell something(they are from Bantams and I am 26)

    Gloves: Eagle CP94 Pro Return Marek Malik(Vancouver), CP94 Rob Blake Pro Return(all black), Mission Wicked 3, Tour G-7

    Pants: Bauer 4000 and Mission Thorax girdle for roller

    Shines: TPS Armour

    Skates: Graf 703 and for roller Bauer One70 with a tour cateye chassis mounted on.

    Sticks: Warrior Dolomite(Whitney Pattern), Starksie(federov), Synergy SL grip(Heatley), Synergy II with synergy II blade(forsberg), Stealth grip '05 version(pro stock with blanked out nameplate)

  4. I am with JR, give me a nice lighter pair of Mega Air 10-90's. I replace the lining with that of the lining of the daoust 555 i had. probably a composite outsole like vapor XX or XXX. not sure about the tongue though, probably go with the mission tongue or maybe the tongue from Tour code 1 inline skate. slap some tuuks on them and we are ready to go.

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