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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by hcm

  1. Also I just found out NHL Prospect Max Domi played with them this season for the London Knights OHL. http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20130308005050/en/Mako-Easton%E2%80%99s-Quest-Build-World%E2%80%99s-Fastest-Skate His comments are similar to most I found on this thread. you can see him on a shootout against Sarnia on the March 9th recap video. http://www.londonknights.com/main/index Thanks!
  2. Anyone knows who wears the Mako's in the NHL ? I was thinking Mike Cammalleri might be wearing them since is used to play with S17 but looks like he's playing with another brand "not to name it" by looking at his youtube video's from this season. I did find a picture of him trying them out during the lockout. http://www.thestar.com/sports/hockey/2012/10/05/nhl_lockout_flames_mike_cammalleri_hits_ice_with_richmond_hill_bantam_team.html I saw a couple of players wearing the Mako's while watching a game on TV 2-3 weeks ago but don't remember who they were.
  3. Thank you very much for your inputs. ««It should feel razor sharp" "I believe it's because it's on a razor-thin line»» I need to check with a shop doing FBV hopefully not to far away from where I live because I may not be getting the razor sharp thin edges on the blades I've done. but it may be difficult to understand what each of us are trying to say without seing the result on hand. would you happen to know if there're any in the Montreal area or near? btw I'll go and try them myself next week so I'll be in a better position to comment.
  4. well I need to know and kind of fast so any response is a good thing thank you. I'll tell you how it feels to me when I sharpen them. I don't feel the edge grabbing my thumb at all when feeling it from the inside going towards the outside of the edge, it feel very flat and dull, the only thing I notice is about a 1/64th inch of raised edge "very small" so definitely not feeling sharp. I can feel it grabbing and sharp when I do the opposite only from the outside in. I'm putting my 15y old son on these and I haven't had a chance to try it myself. The feedback I get from him is that it's faster and more gliding, not much surprised there because of the flatness but also says the edges looses grip for braking or turning very fast and much faster then on regular 1/2 inch hollow. basically that's why I'm trying to figure out if I'm doing the job right. for example if you're suposed to feel 1/32th inch or more of an edge I'm definilty doing something wrong.
  5. I would appreciate if someone could give some technical feedback on this question. when a blade gets sharpened with the 100/75. if you take a finger or your thumb and pass it from the inside out across one of the edges "from the interior to exterior". can you try and describe me what you are normaly suposed to feel after a fresh sharpening ? thank you
  6. Ivan, I think I was generally exerting too much pressure so thank you for that tip. and for the video I was looking at this one... http://www.portableskatesharpener.com/blac...ning_video.html it's on the main page showing the X02 model just at the right of the 1:46min video you've sent me. you'll see "click here to view our training video" on this video the guy did say the final pass should be made in "half the speed of the regular passes" for myself I was captivated by what I saw at that moment so that I was pretty sure I had heard in "half the time of the regular passes" which would be a faster final pass. that's my mistake. I was curious to what lead me to believe the final pass should be faster so I looked at this part of the video several times and I took some notes. in the sharpening process segment the blade touches the disk for the 1st pass is done in 3.68secs in the knowing when the blade is sharp segment the blade touches the disk for the 1st pass in 4.23secs 2nd pass 3.32secs 3rd pass 3.71secs. in the final pass segment the blade touches the disk for 2.88secs so on this video the final pass is actually faster then all the above previous passes. the narration doesn't match the example on this case. the final pass on the video you're reffering to is done in 9.30secs. as for the guy not looking at what he's doing video from TBLfan, he's done his last pass in 21.48secs.
  7. yes I did notice the spinner was not turning at first and I did fix it like you explained but it doesn't seem to help in terms of the wave pattern. any tips for the final pass JR ? as per the video the final pass should be faster but from what I noticed the slower I go the less wave pattern appears on the blade but going too slow risk getting burned marks on them. Is the lub suposed to help clearing this wave on the final pass or is it for another purpose ?
  8. Hi all, I've just bought an X02 and I'm wondering if the wave pattern I can notice on the blade after a sharpening has anything to do with the quality or not of the sharpening ? thank you
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