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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Vapor X:60
  • Hockey Bag
    Team issued bag
  • Shin Pads
    Warrior Hustler 2010
  • Elbow Pads
    RBK 8K Pro's (Jofa 9177)
  • Shoulder Pads
    Warrior Hitman
  • Pants
    NBH Vapor XIV
  • Helmet
    Cascade M11
  • Gloves
    Warrior Franchise
  • Stick
    Warrior Dolomite DD, Warrior KGB and Warrior AK27 Shaft w/ wooden easton blade

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Hockey Equipment
  • Location
    Thornhill, On, Canada
  • Gender

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  1. try to avoid quoting all the pictures in the post right above yours next time. also, I would go with classic leather for the silver, not carbon, looks nicer in my opinion.
  2. Dolom1te

    Warrior KGB

    update: sadly, 10 days after warranty, the blade of the stick broke. I wish i could order another one, but just don't have the money, or the time to wait for it to be shipped to me in canada right now. I definately hope warrior can come out with the "Kremlin" pattern for retail in the future as i would be the first to buy. back to my AK27 with my "self-curved" blades for now. :p
  3. most online stores have had them for a month or so. hockeymonkey, total hockey, perani's. call and ask your LHS if they ordered them in or not too. never hurts to ask. i remember last year my friend waited and it wasn't until last february that they got the previous dolos. it all depends on the store.
  4. Dolom1te

    Warrior KGB

    Warrior KGB Flex: 85 Curve:Kremlin (Pro Ovechkin Clone) Height: 6" Weight: 160 Age: 17 Postition: RW/C Level of hockey: AAA Time-frame of use: One Month Aesthetics: Designed to have a Russian theme because of Ovi, the stick looks great. As all warrior sticks, attention to detail, and colour choice were outstanding. Russian (and Washington) colours were chosen with red being the main one. Looks a lot better in person than in picture. Perfect aesthetics for what they were trying to achieve and an overall great looking stick. 10/10 Weight and Balance: A little heavier than most top end sticks, weighing in at 470 grams according to retailers. A tiny bit blade heavy which i don't mind at all, but i know some would. 8/10 Blade: The blade itself seems much like the blades used in the original dolomite's which i am a huge fan of. the blade feels great when passing and recieving passes as well. The curve itself is also great. The Kremlin may be a tad off what ovechkins pro pattern really is, but it is a great curve to shoot and pass with once you get used to it. Saucer passes become very easy, and my accuracy and power when shooting has improved. 10/10 Shaft/Flex: The shaft is also very comparable to the original dolomites. It feels great with the concave walls on both sides and the grip has not started to peel yet. It is a tapered shaft which i love and the shaft is exactly as advertised. It is most comparable to the hitman shaft, which i believe is similar to the original dolomite. 9/10 Stickhandling and Passing: Great stick for stickhandling once you get used to it. You have complete control over the puck on the forehand, and toe drags are a breeze. I have been able to pull off a lot more dekes with full control over the puck. Passing is great, although because of the curve it takes some time to adjust. my first passes all fluttered because of the curve, but now every pass is near perfect everytime. 9/10 Shooting: The stick is great for shooting. The shaft kicks great, and i get tons of power into every shot i take. I am able to shoot from nearly anywhere in the opposing end and believe it has a strong chance of going in due to the velocity and accuracy that i can get from this stick. 10/10 Durability: So far its durability has been great and it has showed less wear than the typical warriors i have used. The blade is the only area with some chips and that is normal at the level of hockey i play. the stick shows no signs of any durability issues and i honestly believe the stick will still last for a while yet. 10/10 Overall: Overall this is one of the best sticks i have owned. I originally purchased it solely because of the curve, but now i love the overall feel, durability, and shot velocity i can get out of it. It's too bad that this is a limited edition stick because i would like to use this model in the future if/when my current one breaks. 9/10
  5. . yes, they are warrior franchise (custom) and yes,it is the new logo on the thumb.
  6. considering what his brother has been through, the last thing i think he's worried about is putting looks over safety when it comes to his head.
  7. yea.. they really don't look that bad. i like them
  8. i am happy they have gotten rid of the HD blade. broke a lot of those this past year. I also really like the new graphics on the dolomite spyne. Cannot wait to see all of this new gear in stores.
  9. pro hockey life has the new kronik on their website for $279.99, so im guessing that everywhere else it will range from $219.99-249.99. My buddy picked one up pro stock for 125. Pretty nice looking twig! what about that spine shaft? is it holding up good? hasn't broken yet...so i guess that means yes :P
  10. pro hockey life has the new kronik on their website for $279.99, so im guessing that everywhere else it will range from $219.99-249.99. My buddy picked one up pro stock for 125. Pretty nice looking twig!
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