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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by dolomaster83

  1. Is it just me or can everybody else not see these pics? Waiting for the drill to start... not the best quality Shooting during practice... I know my head is down.. I was walking the blue like and taking a shot.. But when I took the shot my head goes up. Cutting to the middle. puck is on my backhand
  2. This is my gear :) helmet: bauer 9500 W/ Standard bauer cage. (If I could i would not wear a cage but I am Under 18) gloves: Eagle PPF Black with silver accents elbows: Bauer One95( light although they slide around a bit) shins: Older Rbk With removable straps Pants: Tackla 9000z (That is just the 9000's with zippers) Shoulders: Jr. Bauer ( I prefer small shoulder pads) skates: Graf G35 (Great skates but a pain to break in) Sticks:Bauer X:60 P91A (2 Piece) (87 flex cut down So it is about 93 now)
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