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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by JimmyTheDriver

  1. No luck in repairing the older sticks? The biggest hangup I have is the expense. It's not like I go get 5 sticks a year and get to fiddle with brands/models. At $260, I try to stick with one a year, so when I commit... I hope to love it. Thats why I haven't left Bauer - I at least know I don't hate their sticks. The CCM line is getting some major hype lately. New Tacks stick, as you mentioned, also gets great reviews. You played with any of the recent year Total Ones? If so, how does the Tacks compare? Thanks! Jim
  2. Hey fellas, I have three sticks. Nike/Bauer Supreme One95, Bauer TotalOne, Bauer TotalOne NXG Vintage. They are my favorite to least favorite, in that order, as well as most to least damaged, in that order. The second two never really replicated the feel of the One95, my favorite stick in history. I have no love for my latest purchase, the TotalOne NXG Vintage. On all my Bauers, the toe cracks after a few seasons.. its like clockwork. I never actually break the sticks, just have to retire them due to the beat up blades. Need a little advice... 1) Is there any decent way to repair the cracked blade toes on my older sticks? I have tried JB Weld with a little success, but it just cracks off after a few skates. 2) Have you guys experienced anything else on the market similar to the feel of the old high end Bauers? I tried the APX2 first, and now the TotalOne NXG... both decent, but don't love them. Nexus 8000 any good? I've always wanted a Warrior... any of their top models compare in feel and have a mid kick? CCM sticks also seem popular now, I just don't have a way to try one. I just remember such a soft, buttery feel from my Supreme One95, with wrist shots unmatched by anything since. Thanks! Jim
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