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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    State College, PA
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  1. The only way i can tell between the two is by the stickers. Sometimes guys will use an s19 with s17 graphics so that they can have their team colors showing. Although I've never seen an s17 painted over as an s19
  2. Cemetery, does Doughty use a true s19 or is it a se16 paint over?
  3. Those are gorgeous. I love how the pinky and pointer finger are the red rather than blue. How did you map out the color scheme for your order?
  4. Damnit Tamtamg!! i was wondering where all the 60s went. I ended up pickin up the Treais, Lynch, and Kamper s19s. Nice work though
  5. samuelsson used to use the p29 clone, so basically a toned down p92. THis new one is a beauty though
  6. Dupes, if you play in those H. Gill bauers you might not be able to stickhandle anymore
  7. Im lovin those nylon x72s as well. THose are beautys
  8. fastbrother, those are gorgeous. Im lovin the reinforced, double stitched, the ls2.1s and the white felts. Did you have to do any drastic sizing changes?
  9. haha thats cool. I definetly believe you because alot of the pro stocks ive seen have been considerably smaller than the above pic.
  10. WOw I loved these gloves back in the day. Nice pick up for forty bucks!
  11. jeez i think the graf ops is hideous. I mean, I'm glad they're trying to change up the usual graphics trend but im not a fan
  12. In my opinion, those inno 1100s are wayyyy sexier than the warrior kovys. Beautiful pick up simnorm
  13. Gimp, What were the differences between the pro stock and the regular one95s?
  14. WOW nice kovalchuk u+. any more of his hiding in there?
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