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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Synergy Si-core Grip/Synergy SL/ST

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hey guys, just wondering if anyone could help me out.

At the moment ive got a Synery Si-core grip and I love it, but the problem is I can see it breaking soon so I want to get some replacements in for it.

I was thinking that the Si-core grips are way down in price at the moment because of the new 2005 range, i'd like to get another si-core grip but I was wondering if anyone can help me out on telling me the major different performance features between of the ST and SL because im looking at them as well and im not sure whether i should stick to the si-core grip or to the SL or ST?

cheers for you help guys, any reviews of the new synergies would be great.


dan clarkson

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ST is supposed to be "super tough" with more durability, the SL is "super light" so that explains that pretty much

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its just Super Tough and Super Light versions of the Synergy. if you love the sicore maybe you stick with it as you might find switching a bit odd ;)

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oh ok cool thanks guys, but do the new synergys have the si-core feel? because if they still contain the si-core technology well then maybe i am best to upgrade?

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oh ok cool thanks guys, but do the new synergys have the si-core feel? because if they still contain the si-core technology well then maybe i am best to upgrade?

Neither has similar construction techniques

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