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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ya i had to pay $100 canadian to ups to bring my skates up which sucks! but it was still cheaper by $50 and i didn't have to pay tax (14% tax up here). make sure when you order stuff to tell who ever is shipping to make it as "gift" and you'll save yourself a few bucks (would of been $150 canadian if i didn't)

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How long did it take for UPS to bill you for the brokerage/customs? Last time I ordered something that was shipped via Fedex Ground it took a week and a half *after* I received the package before Fedex sent me a letter with a bill for $50 <_<

I bought some skates from Hockey Branch and its been 2 weeks after the delivery.. no bill yet.. I'm wondering if the border fairies were nice this time.. :blink:

Oh and by the way the guy that runs the store is one of the nicest guys I've dealt with online.

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i got billed on the spot when the ups guy came. had to pay with my credit card cause i didn't have that much money at home. i don't really know how it works but there have been times i haven't been billed for customs but that was mostly for smaller things. i thought i would be able to get away with it if it was marked as "gift" but i still got billed... not as much for still $100

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hey guys check out this online store http://www.hockeybranch.com i got my CCM PF10's there for cheap and they give free shipping! new site but the owner was a very nice person to deal with.

I was under the impression that retailers weren't able to advertise prices that low on Mission skates. Unless they're closeouts

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they have the cheapest Tour Bluemax skates iv seen around for $260. That beats hockeygiant by $60 which is pretty substantial. I just hope they ship internationally.

Does anyone know another site that sells Bluemax for cheaper than $320 (hockeygiant price).

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nice site i tihnk it has resonable prices. I ushually by my stuff from pro shops that pros run around here wher they get there stuff for free when they win Tournaments.

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