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What would you do?


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OK heres the situation. We already had try outs for this comming travel season, and i am really un happy with the team i was placed on. I was put on the a team. But i don't really want to brag, but in tryouts i was clearly one of the top players on the ice, i was really kicking some butt. But still i got put on The A team, with kids who can barely stop. And on AA theres at least 5 kids who can't skate backwards for their life. SO heres the situation. So i just suck it up for a nother year(had the same situation last year team was bad but 3 guys we had to carry the team, and lost for a month and a half staight) so suck it up for another year, or move to another rink, where i know i can make the team.

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If moving to another rink means not playing for awhile then I would'nt do it. I had the same situation a while back, even though I diddnt like being on a team that blew, I still played because a bunch of the guys were my friends and I liked playing with them, and playing hockey on a bad team is better then no team. If you know you can move elsewhere, and get a team and you think you'd have more fun there, what do you have to lose.

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Yeah the tryouts are this comming weekend so i have 4 days tog et a release from my first rink, and get signed up at another. I just don't want to go throguh another year with them having 3 guys attempting to carry the team. <_<

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Honestly, I think that if anyone was in your situation and was semi-serious about hockey, and is interested in getting further and getting better, they would move. If that other place you can play in is available to you, you don't have to drive like 3 hours to get there, go for it. Hopefully the politics won't get to you there and you will be a lot happier in a better organization.

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Yeah the tryouts are this comming weekend so i have 4 days tog et a release from my first rink, and get signed up at another. I just don't want to go throguh another year with them having 3 guys attempting to carry the team. <_<

Yeah I'd go for it then! Good luck if you do :D

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What would I do? Honestly, I'd start by changing my attitude. Going into a situation like this, thinking you're way better than everybody else and the the team itself is a terrible way to start things off. Maybe you're right, and you are actually good. Bringing down your new teammates will do not prove this, in fact it will only prove the opposite. If you really feel that you're above playing on this team, then don't play for it, especially with your current outlook. If you ever come to the realization that getting cut is just part of hockey, or any other sport, and play on the team you put on with an open mind, you'll learn a lot.

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Also, if you havent played any games, hopefully no one thinks your fully committed yet, so it would be easier to switch. we had two guys quit on our spring highschool team cuz they thought they were too good, and no-one was happy, even though they came back.

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I'd just stay, if you are one of the best you'd get A LOT of playing time and you will improve more than guys on the higher team who don't get that much playing time.

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OK heres the situation. We already had try outs for this comming travel season, and i am really un happy with the team i was placed on. I was put on the a team. But i don't really want to brag, but in tryouts i was clearly one of the top players on the ice, i was really kicking some butt. But still i got put on The A team, with kids who can barely stop. And on AA theres at least 5 kids who can't skate backwards for their life. SO heres the situation. So i just suck it up for a nother year(had the same situation last year team was bad but 3 guys we had to carry the team, and lost for a month and a half staight) so suck it up for another year, or move to another rink, where i know i can make the team.

It's tough. Last year I was asked to be an assistant on our PeeWee A team. I sat in the stands with the head coach for tryout evaluations and he said that just looking at the list of names he could pick his team without doing tryouts.

Sometimes they have their team picked before you even hit the ice.

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I'd just stay, if you are one of the best you'd get A LOT of playing time and you will improve more than guys on the higher team who don't get that much playing time.

I did that exact same thing last year, and all it did was help me with my speed, and got me really frustrated.

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good coaching, practices and playing time will make him better. Generally the practice to game ratio is 2:1 (at least here) so he can improve.

playing way below your level will be frustrating and hinder your development, but so will playing at a level you aren't ready for.

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Well with the decision of family, and friends i have pretty much decided that i'm leaving. After play 8 years there and getting the short end of the hockey stick for the last 2 im just tired of it.

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