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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I got ripped off, what should I do ?

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Well, I don't know if this is the right forum or thread to post this subject, but I believe I got ripped off on a deal I made on a another hockey forum.

The Deal & Site

I asked the seller to send me the stuff by Fedex so I would be provided with a tracking number. He went on to send it by USPS Air Mail, which takes about 4-10 days max. Yes I know it might of got held up at customs but its been over a month so I highly doubt that (he claims he shipped it on the 18th of March). Anyways I believe I've lost umm 420.00 USD on this deal. I guess I only have my self to blame for going through with it. At first the seller was co-operative and stuff, but afterwards he became a real a-hole. Whenever I called he'd pick up and hang up, I left him multiple messages but he never returned my phone calls. He even said he'd block my email if I ever emailed him again. I kept every email he ever sent, not sure if that helps with anything. Anyways I payed him by Paypal, so I filed a claim, hopefully they will be able to recover some funds. This guy is from Midlothian, TX and I live in Canada, oh boy if I live anywhere close to Texas I'd beat the crap out of him ninja style :ph34r: . Anyways do you guys have any suggestions as to what to do ? Is it worth calling the cops or something ? I never dealt with a situation like this. Any help is appreciated.

P.S. My appologies go out to "wickedwrister" for not being able to come up with the money for the stick I agreed to purchase, I though I could of scored some extra $$$ from the deal, but my plan failed.

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Your best bet is to file a claim with Paypal. You're fortunate you used Paypal instead of paying with a money order or else you would've never seen your money again. For any deals online, if the prices are too good to be true, they probably are.

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Dude, those prices ARE too good to be true......looks like a total scam to me...."My father and I bought out a hockey shop" a total bs statement :)

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You should've asked for more information too. Such as, what is the name of the hockey shop and where is it located and did some research. Your best bet is to still file a claim with Paypal... I don't think theres much else you could do.

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It's mail fraud, so it's also a federal offense. File a complaint with the IFCC, should have a website but don't have it in front of me. Affiliated with the FBI, should be of some help. Contact the Post Master General where you sent the items, explain everything, and see what can be done.

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Dude, those prices ARE too good to be true......looks like a total scam to me...."My father and I bought out a hockey shop" a total bs statement :)

ya vapor XXX skates for 150$????

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Dude, those prices ARE too good to be true......looks like a total scam to me...."My father and I bought out a hockey shop" a total bs statement :)

ya vapor XXX skates for 150$????

That :rolleyes: and the fact he stated "who ever pays me via papal first gets it all", should give a good clue he was trying to get rid of it fast. I would have been drooling over those prices too, even though they are WAY under wholesale.

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That's why we suggest using a service like Paypal for all online transactions.

I did use Paypal, and I did file a claim with them, its actually being revised right now.

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You should've asked for more information too. Such as, what is the name of the hockey shop and where is it located and did some research. Your best bet is to still file a claim with Paypal... I don't think theres much else you could do.

I did do research, I even looked up his name in the city he came from registry and everything seemed to match.

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Dude, those prices ARE too good to be true......looks like a total scam to me...."My father and I bought out a hockey shop" a total bs statement :)

ya vapor XXX skates for 150$????

That :rolleyes: and the fact he stated "who ever pays me via papal first gets it all", should give a good clue he was trying to get rid of it fast. I would have been drooling over those prices too, even though they are WAY under wholesale.

Yeah I thought I scored a jackpot. He told me he sold off the rest of the stuff to local teams and the other stuff he was looking to get rid off because it was taking up room in his house. That @*er.

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Yeah I thought I scored a jackpot. He told me he sold off the rest of the stuff to local teams and the other stuff he was looking to get rid off because it was taking up room in his house. That @*er.

Funny how he sold everything else except for the top-of-the-line equipment in the most common sizes.

Sucks you have to go through it, but its quite obvious he was a scam.

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