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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Gear Guru

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Shouldn't hockey gear especially skate prices  become cheaper now with all the new companies joining in the hockey equipment market.  Shouldn't a skate  company have a price war.  :D  :D  Seems like only Mission is trying to lure customers with their buy skates and recieve stick deal.  Unless I am mistaken. I am sure there is one more company which had a stick promotion too.

well...CCM has to promotion(buy Vector pro,7 zg120,zg130) and get a 110 or 120

and this winter with the Vector 110 you get a free vector glove...

As for the price...i think Mission and Nike have the best value price(i mean 550CND for a high-end isnt that bad...and the S500 are 450-500CND and the L7 550cnd not that bad in my opinions)

compared to the 700-800CND+Tax XXX,Synergy and the zg130 at 630CND...

anywayz 2 year ago i bought the 1152 tack at 350 CND closeout price...this year i'm thinking about the Flexlite V-10 or the L5...i would never go more than 350CND for a pair of skate....and i'm 15yr old

It's hard to justify the jump in price to customers from the S400 or L5 to the S500 or L7. The S400 and L5 are such great values.

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