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50 Cent: Bulletproof.

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Tell me this is a joke. Who's his villain? The Game, just terrible. Even is the gameplay is amazing, why base it on a rapper.

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It says because he's been shot nines times or something so they named it bulletproof and I guess hes someone famous who you could relate something like that. Plus tons of people like him. More money for him.

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The graphics in the trailer don't look too shabby. However most games look more polygonal during gameplay anyway. But on the more serious note, I can't really picture myself playing this game. This game hasn't been rated yet but I'm pretty sure it'll be rated Mature. I can only see this game being played by young teens and die hard 50 fans. This game has as much appeal, and will probably appeal to the same audience as the Mighty Ducks cartoon show back in the 90's.

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he was suppose to do the voice, and be the guy in grand theft auto SA. but he declined and opted to make his own video game.

it seems sweet. maybe you can shoot ja rule a few times in the game.

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he was suppose to do the voice, and be the guy in grand theft auto SA. but he declined and opted to make his own video game.

it seems sweet. maybe you can shoot ja rule a few times in the game.

Ha, maybe Ja is the villain in this game. Maybe Eminem and Hailie will be in the game too along with everyone else that disses Ja in songs like "Go To Sleep" and "Doe Ray Me".

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The graphics wont look anyting like that, thats just a trailer. Thats not even from the real game its just a video im pretty sure.

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i don't mind what the concept of hte game is, as long as the gameplay is good, i'd try it out. i'm just afraid it's going to make other people make things like "Ja Rule - Return to the Hood" or "Fat Joe - 10 pin bowling"

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Tell me this is a joke. Who's his villain? The Game, just terrible. Even is the gameplay is amazing, why base it on a rapper.

cause hes been shot about 9 times more than anyone else you could bass a game on ;)

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so let's all praise him for being a snitch and getting shot 9 times? its so cool that he's shot, but he doesnt have the balls to retaliate, and then he makes up lies about retaliation in his songs? he is a media-made star, all this shit he tries to sell if made up. you guys should listen to silverback guerillaz, bang em smurf quit gunit after 50 cent refused to pay his bail when he was caught in a shoot out. nice to see 50 is a loyal dude.

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Just out of curiosity why is alright to assume 50 cent is lieing about these incidents and not the other way around..I highly doubt you are in the buisness or know either of these two people personallly. Honestly I think it is stupid people even say things like "it's made up" etc. (even though I used to) I have realized there is no way to know...you are just believing what someone else is saying which can also be a lie...so before you start jumping all over these people think about the source of the information..maybe he got kicked out of G-unit because he was told to play it cool as far as the "gangsta" goes while they are trying to make a name for themselves, and when he was put in Jail 50 decided to kick him out and this guy made the whole thing up....also consider the fact they're are 3 other members in G-unit just as "gangsta" as 50 that woulda had a say in it, aswell as the fact that Lloyd Banks is the richest member of G-unit so if he "had the guys back" he coulda bailed him out easily...again these are possibilities and probably not true, but are as credible to you as any rapper.

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