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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shortening blades?

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Hey, i was just wondering if its possible to shorten a stick blade? because some of them are just so long and they feel so clumbsy. i know it will probably make it a lot less durable.


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Like the hosel or the blade length? I've heard of people doing both with little problems. Obviously easier with wood blades.

Well shortening the blade length would not lose as much durability as lowering the hosel.

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i had this shanahan graphite blade one of the original ones too and i cut it down because that pattern was pretty long havent used it much but it seems to work ok

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my friend cuts the toe off blades to make it square/shorter, hes done it with sherwood axion and wooden blades, and they hold up fine. when they break, they usually break near the heal/middle of the blade, so cutting doesn't seem to affect durability

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ok cool, yeah i was talking about shortening the length of the blade.

thanks for all your responses, i think ill give it a go. will it work as well with ABS blades?

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it definately will work for an ABS blade, the only problem is with a composite blade in my opinion, because cutting the blade will probably make a lot of little hairline fractures, and also, the end will be exposed foam, so it won't be very stiff when it comes to compression

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when you cut the blade shorter, just put some apoxy over the exposed surface. then it will be sealed from water and may prevent cracking. this will smooth it up more too.

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