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What is the best way to shoot

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Now keep in mind this is just what most instructional "learn to play" books tell you but remember they also tell you to have your dominant hand at the butt end when holding the stick,  and not a whole lot of people do that. 

Just wondering, are you American ? I have been told that Canadians who are right-handed are most often left-handed shots, wherease Americans who are right-handed most often shoot right-handed. The explanation given to me was that Americans are more likely to grow up playing baseball first, whereas Canadians are more likely to grow up playing hockey first, and that the sport played first plays a strong though not definitive influence. In my own not-close-to-scientific survey of two shifts of the Canadian team at the recent World Championship, it seemed like the vast majority of Canadians were indeed left-handed.

Smells like a poll to me.

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What I have been taught is this: If your a RH shot skating down the left wing boards on a 1-1, 2-1, etc, it would be more efficient to shoot off of your right foot. On the other hand, if you're that same RH shot and you're on a 1-1, 2-1, etc, skating down the right wing boards, shooting off of your left foot would be better. In doing so, it keeps a leg foward in front of your for (1) better angle/vision/availibility on the play, and (2) more importantly, more balance against the defender in case of a hard poke check or even him stepping up on you. But as we all know how fast hockey is, sometimes getting off the quickest released shot any way is the best shot. And as mentioned before, everyone plays however it works better for him/her, so there's really no 'correct way.' I hope this makes sense as it's easier to explain on the actually ice rather than a keyboard. But it's just food for thought....

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Smells like a poll to me.

Been there...done that. Turns out to be about 50/50 on this board. Would be nice to add the nationality aspect to it though.


No offense, but that poll has nothing to do with what they are talking about. They mean that if you shoot right or left handed, if you shoot off of a certain foot more profficiently (sp?) than the other, still shooting the same hand-edness.

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I've seen a lot of players claim to be able to shoot harder from their off foot - and when I shoot from my off foot it seems like it's at least as hard... at least until I get the radar gun out and check. I bunch of us tried it, and although a few swore that their off-foot shots were harder, no-ones actually were.

i'd imagine that's because your arms/wrists are trying to compensate for the lack of weight transfer. because you're not getting as much power from transferring your weight from one foot to the other, you're using your arm strength more to make the shot harder. thus, it feels to you like you're shooting harder, even though you're not.


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my brother as a goalie says in general, it's harder to read a shot when it's coming from the off foot. i practiced shooting using my off foot and now i think i take like, 80% of my shots from it. At first it does feel awkward, but once you get the hang of it, it's great.

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I shoot a lot harder from my off foot. For me it is a product of playing most of the time on the left side and being a right shot. Since I shoot a lot from the off foot it has killed my shot unless I shoot from the off foot.

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