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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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fake oakley's

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I've got fake, Minutez gunmetal silver and red/yellow lenses and straights Royal with green/purple lenses. You can feel the difference, I got mine from a vendor in the 1000 islands.

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Black Splice's with Emerald Iridium lenses

hey do these have SPLICE engraved behind the part that goes over the nose?

i have them i brought them from an ebay store in Cali and they were over 100us so i hope they are real. but yeah do they have the engraving?

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ok well thats a good sign then and do they have oakley written on the front of the nose part??

Thanks guys

My fake ones have Oakley written on the bridge over the nose.

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I had black half jackets but i sold them. Oakley's are kind of "out of style" now though. :(

Everyone likes Spys, Electric, Arnette, Dragons, etc...I just got a pair of arnettes.

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just wondering, what kind of oakleys does everyone have? i have the oakley dartboards with black iridium lens.

I have black Oakley Minutes.

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just wondering, what kind of oakleys does everyone have? i have the oakley dartboards with black iridium lens.

I have black Oakley Minutes.

same here except mine are blue with flame iridium

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i once found oakley's at the park. i had them on me when i was at a sunglass store, so i asked the guy if they were real. they were.

i sold them on ebay and went to straight to the dollar store.. i have the sickest 80s plastic-black framed glasses ever.

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1 pair of C-Wire (iridium/ice)

Going to buy a pair of Half Wire (iridium/black)

I have a pair of fives in mate black-Polarized

Hey J.R. I can get 60% now for all oakleys, order them straight throught the rep.

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1 pair of C-Wire (iridium/ice)

Going to buy a pair of Half Wire (iridium/black)

I have a pair of fives in mate black-Polarized

Hey J.R. I can get 60% now for all oakleys, order them straight throught the rep.

Sweet...I'll hit you up when I'm back in town. I'm at Chadd's shop right now.

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