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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tapered Blade

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I just took the broken original blade out of my pro stock Bauer XX. Used the heat method so no cutting was involved. My question is: What blades will fit into this shaft? I was looking into getting a Synthesis SiCore. Thanks in advance.


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If you cut it to fit tapered blades, chances are it wasn't an "actual one piece", just a pain like mine. A few people have cut True-1's, but they were forced to put junior blades in.

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If you cut it to fit tapered blades, chances are it wasn't an "actual one piece", just a pain like mine. A few people have cut True-1's, but they were forced to put junior blades in.

no trust me it was an actual one piece it didnt have foam in the hozel and it was deff. not a fused stick

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I believe there has been other posts about this problem, and I have answered it b4. I was able to pull the blade right out of the XX and put an R2 blade in NO PROBLEM. Easton and Mission blades DID NOT fit. I assume if you cut a little higher up, then those other brands would fit. But in trying to keep the stick in as original shape as possible, only the Lville R2 did the trick. As many know, once you have to cut up higher, you also increase the need for a longer butt end.

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If you cut it to fit tapered blades, chances are it wasn't an "actual one piece", just a pain like mine. A few people have cut True-1's, but they were forced to put junior blades in.

The Busch sticks were the same way (had to replace with a Jr blade).

I believe there has been other posts about this problem, and I have answered it b4. I was able to pull the blade right out of the XX and put an R2 blade in NO PROBLEM. Easton and Mission blades DID NOT fit. I assume if you cut a little higher up, then those other brands would fit. But in trying to keep the stick in as original shape as possible, only the Lville R2 did the trick. As many know, once you have to cut up higher, you also increase the need for a longer butt end.

It's my understanding that early XX's, similar to some early M1's, the fusing technique was not quite up to snuff with Easton (who actually puts a piece of composite overlaying the fuse point from what I can tell). Bauer imparticular just used some sort of epoxy-like spackle over the fuse point. This made it easy for folks to remove (and probably didn't help stiffen the fuse area). Rumor (board talk at least) has it that Bauer compensated for this later and improved the fuse point on the XX. However, to my knowledge (and I'm no expert, I just play one on the internet) there is no TRUE XX one piece.

Also, as the dude said above if you couldn't fit the tapered blade in, you didn't cut it right. Of course, due to the concave shaft on the XX, it might take some extra effort to get a tapered blade to fit properly, but that part's just guessing on my part.

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I believe there has been other posts about this problem, and I have answered it b4. I was able to pull the blade right out of the XX and put an R2 blade in NO PROBLEM. Easton and Mission blades DID NOT fit.

i dont know about mission blades but i fit a synthesis blade in my XX. no cutting just heated it.

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