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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help with Oakley/1Xcel visor cage combo

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My friend recently bought one of these cages as a switch from a visor because he wanted to protect his teeth. He had the LHS install it but when he got home he found that it did not fit quite properly because the chin pad hits his chin just a fraction of an inch before the visor hits the temple bump stops. He figured it wont be that good not being able to open his mouth because the cage fits so tight, but this cage is not adjustable in length. He is thinking about just removing the chin pad entirely, which would solve clearance problems but leave him susceptible to having the cage rammed into his jaw. However, we do not play in a checking league and I think the most risk comes from taking an accidental stick in the jaw. Any suggestions on what he should/can do?

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Can he lower the J-clips to the bottom holes?

If not, here's what he can do -

Cut the J-clip at the last hole. Now he will have clearance to make it go even lower. PM me for more instructions.

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I have the same exact problem with a large Oakley combo on a medium Bauer 4000 helmet (compatible). I believe the Oakley combo has a design flaw in that the wire section is too short/small relative to the visor.

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I also have that visor/cage combo. I don't think its a desige flaw. Its just that Oakley uses that big aviator cut visor in the combo so most people don't need much more cage below it.

I'm confused about the origional post. Is it the that combo is too short from forhead to chin or is it that the cage is too close to his face?

I wear my combo so the whole thing kindof floats off my face/chin with just the straps limiting the "swing". I did not even install the clips that go on the temple part of the helmet. If the combo is not long enough from forehaed to chin maybe you can flip ovrt thr clips that hold the cage to the forhead, that would give you a little more length.

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Ya, I love that big 3/4 length visor... I just wish it came with 1/4 cage instead of 1/8!

The original post was saying that the length from forehead to chin is too short so there isn't enough room for the guy's chin cup. Without the chin cup he finds it fits better (because you can "close" the visor more).

I thought about wearing it "off my face" but it just doesn't look right to me -- it looks ill-fitting. I did try reversing the forehead clips but the improvement was minor.

I'm now checking out the Itech 920 Combo, which comes in multiple senior sizes (S, M, L).

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