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Jofa 8025 Elbow pad

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The 8025 has been discontinued but it is still available as the 9025. If you're not familiar with the pad, they have no upper cuff and are very minimal.


They fit like a second skin to me. I have no issues with them interfering with my shoulder pads and they aren't so bulky that they restrict movement in any way. I've never worn an elbow pad that was close to being as comfortable to me.

9 out of 10


They will protect you if you fall or get bumped into the boards but you shouldn't consider them if you need something that will absorb a lot of abuse. They are not good for growing kids playing in a checking league. Beer leagues and house leagues are where these belong.

3 out of 10


The lack of upper cuff and extra protection make them incredibly light. I haven't put them on a scale but I can't imagine any pad being much lighter.

9 out of 10


I've been using them for over two years and there is a little bit of yellowing from sweat but no probelms at all. I've been very surprised and impressed with them.

9 out of 10


Are they good for everyone? Nope. They work well for me and how I play. They're durable, light and comfy, what more could I want?

7.5 of 10 based on pure numbers, more like 9 out of 10 to me.

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