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MLB 2006

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I just bought this a day or so ago. I am really enjoying the different modes and the gameplay isn't bad once you get the past balls and some other minor issues, but it keeps on freezing after games. It goes to a blank white screen and it seems like it takes forever to load, and thats if it even does. I haven't been able to play more than 2 games back to back before it freezes. Anyone having these same issues? I'm wondering if this is a "returnable" issue. I read a bit about it before I bought, but I didn't expect it to be this bad.

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i haven't been having any issues at all with my game. I did hear where the new small ps2's were overheating and causing problems with certain games.

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The games usually come out in accordance with their season. Because baseball season is just underway, their game just came out. If there is a NHL 2006, it'll come out closer to the fall.

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Do you know if it's a DVD rom or just a regualar CD-Rom game(Purple back)? Cause I know wih my PS2, when I would play the cd-rom based games, PS2 would never read the games. The PS2 is such a badly made system! Convert to Xbox, much better system!

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So for those who've played the EA and ESPN ones, which is better? I think the EA has their DNA system in there so that's interesting, but I do like what I've heard from the ESPN ones. As long as you can create a player in both, I'm up for either and the $10 is negligible.

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I hate how EA calls it 2006...it feels like it just turned 2005...it should be the same year as the season...or at least when the season ends...as in the NHL line...

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MVP Baseball 2005...best baseball game yet on PS2. Create a player is good. The career mode is amazing. And so far I'm 32-5 in my season, with 4 no-hitters from Curt Schilling!


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traded in MLB 2006 for MLB 2K5 today. I miss the career mode, but am not upset with my decision at all. This seems like a much more difficult game.

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