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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Larionov Retires

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I'm pretty sure most of you know already knew that Igor Larionov was retiring at the end of this season, but I just thought I'd do something to commemorate one of the great ones in my opinion. His stats in the NHL don't fully represent how good of a player Igor was. He was without a doubt one of the smartest to ever play the game, and his passing abilities were second to none. I think its unfortunate that he had to end his career on a bad note, not getting along with his coach or being able to play in many games. I don't know what you guys think, but hes totally a HHOFer. Its too bad he couldn't end his career in Detroit, but I still am holding out hope that he'll be back behind the bench one day.


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He was supposed to be the GM for the Russian world cup team but got screwed on that too.

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You would think that with Fetisov as the Russian Minister of sports that he would have free reign.

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larionov was great here in detroit, i was sad he left when he did, he is one of the smartest to play.. "the professor" wasnt just a name they gave him it was true he was a great passer, i wish he would of ended his career in detroit, best of luck to him...

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He really wasn't part of Detroit's plan for the future, so they saw no reason to give him a decent contract. New Jersey paid him pretty well, so I don't blame him for leaving, but I wish he hadn't.

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