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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2005 Pro Tacks

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the new 05 pro tacks are lighter, different liner, different outsole,same latch system like on the vector skates. the ccm e-holder since they no longer make the pro lite holder. and they strengthend the quarter panel and removed that strap behind the ankel to reduce stiffness.and they have made a new mold like a foot design to build the skate around with a lower arch

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the new 05 pro tacks are lighter, different liner, different outsole,same latch system like on the vector skates. the ccm e-holder since they no longer make the pro lite holder. and they strengthend the quarter panel and removed that strap behind the ankel to reduce stiffness.and they have made a new mold like a foot design to build the skate around with a lower arch

I thought they said they were using an old last, not a new one.

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the new 05 pro tacks are lighter, different liner, different outsole,same latch system like on the vector skates. the ccm e-holder since they no longer make the pro lite holder. and they strengthend the quarter panel and removed that strap behind the ankel to reduce stiffness.and they have made a new mold like a foot design to build the skate around with a lower arch

I thought they said they were using an old last, not a new one.

nope, theyve lowered there arch on all new ccm skates. it was funny cause at the road show i went to the guy said" and weve had great success with our vapor skate" :D there using a lower arch just to compete with bauer to gain more market share

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