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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 5k shaft

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Well i used the search engine and couldnt find anything so are these shafts what they are cracked up to be or not and has anyone felt the snake grip on it??

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Well i used the search engine and couldnt find anything so are these shafts what they are cracked up to be or not and has anyone felt the snake grip on it??

The snake grip will be a nice compromise for those who don't like regular grip shafts. It has just a little more grip than a regular shaft. The 5K sticks seem to be selling good, so I assume the 5k shaft will too. Just to early in the season te tell

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it's not an actual grip coating. it's literally little ridges that feel like scales all over the shaft. It feels more blaanced than a 6k though.

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I've used on for a couple of games now with a Jofa composite blade. I am not used to 2-pc sticks so I can't comment on if it's better or worse than any other shaft but I can tell you that the snake grip is nice. It's not sticky so it lets your hands still move when they need to. I had a Vapor XX grip before and didn't care for it at all but I don't imagine I will have any problems with the snake grip.

The balance seems fine to me and all I still have problems with is the blade wobble that tends to develop in 2-pc sticks. It bothers the heck out of me so I am going to pull the blade, put some tape over the hosel and add some more glue to see if I can get it taken care of.

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