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Integrity of hockeybranch.com?

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Instead of all you guys guessing on what happened with this site why dont you all take time and email them. Heres the Facts, They are a new online store and did not even know of the pricing policy for the internet. Yes there prices are going up on all there products. They never received a document of signing for any prices so everyone is wrong. There a online website is just starting out give them a break and move on. If you dont like them or feel comfortable with them dont buy from them. I think its sad that some poeple here dont even think of communication before speaking the facts. Shute if your scared your going to get booted fromt his board for freedom of speech thats sad and you shouldnt even feel that way.

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It's still bad buisness to not research your current venture. Just advertise a "call for price" and then keep it at what they were. I would assume this could've cost them their ability to sell certain products. Off hand I believe they had Tour, CCM and Mission all under the allowable limit, which are 3 fairly big names, at least in the roller world.

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Instead of all you guys guessing on what happened with this site why dont you all take time and email them. Heres the Facts, They are a new online store and did not even know of the pricing policy for the internet. Yes there prices are going up on all there products. They never received a document of signing for any prices so everyone is wrong. There a online website is just starting out give them a break and move on. If you dont like them or feel comfortable with them dont buy from them. I think its sad that some poeple here dont even think of communication before speaking the facts. Shute if your scared your going to get booted fromt his board for freedom of speech thats sad and you shouldnt even feel that way.

It's really easy to sit there and call yourself the victim. When you book product every year, you have to sign an agreement. I've done it. What does that tell me? One - the guy who runs hockeybranch.com is a crook, an idiot, or both, or two - he doesn't have accounts and is buying from a distributor.

But since you are him, why don't you tell us what it really is?

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freakonaleesh  gunnerh73@hotmail.com  6th May 2005 - 03:55 PM 

hockeybranch  tferraro@truth.com  21st April 2005 - 09:12 PM

I hate spammers. Especially the ones who cannot take a hint the first time. I'm not going to ban you just yet - I'll give you a final reply. I'd like to hear this story.

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That is funny. You know, at first when I saw Freaks last post, it didn't seem too bad. But now that I know he is the owner or contributor to hockeybranch, it is BLATANT advertising! Haha. "$30 off, SWEET. Got next day air, will go back". Like the mods said, they asked him not to do it, so he did it again, and again it seems. Can't blame the guy for trying I guess.

I think this post did take a nasty turn. Partly my fault I guess, sorry mods. But I guess at least we are still technically talking about hockey equipment...

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First of all - prices are going up

They have been in contact with Tour and Mission and there will be HockeyBranch Coupon Codes $10-$20-$30 off.

No one ruined it for anyone. Misunderstanding on pricing policy was the cause. Products are still be sold daily with Full warrantys.

I dont feel slammed or caught or anything its the fact when you email the mods questions and they dont reply to you then you have no choice but to create another account to get things straight.

Im Banned!



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You should've read the rules before you spammed. Simple as that.

I understand that you are a new store and you want to get the word out, but the manner in which you did it on our site is not appreciated. That being said, good luck in your business venture.

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As i was reading Freaks first post i thought to myself that it would be hilarious if it was the guy from the site and low and behold it was. Way to go Jr. Showed him up and made him look like and idiot.

I just have a small bit of information to add. What ever happened to buying from your LHS? The prices may be cheaper online, but with your lhs you can get good customer service and those quick fixes that we all need some time. Plus you can even wind up getting to know a few guys there and when you establish that kind of relationship most of the time they are nice enough to go out of there way to help you.

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You know there is some truth to that. When I bought my 8Ks from the store I usually get most of my stuff from, the owner, who is the former Devils' equipment manager, hooked me up because I paid straight up cash and I got them for $400.

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Fury, are you from NJ? I go to SportsSection in Cedar Grove, and the guy in there, Nichols, is a former NJ Devil equipment guy.

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Fury, are you from NJ? I go to SportsSection in Cedar Grove, and the guy in there, Nichols, is a former NJ Devil equipment guy.

Yup. I'm from Jersey.

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