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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Salming Hockey

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Salming had a booth at a tourny this weekend I was at. They're looking to create interest among players so they can get players asking about Salming at their LHS, hoping to create some demand for the product.

After a quick run through the stuff they had looked pretty good. The pants and gloves were pretty impressive. They're also looking to make a splash in the stick market with a somewhat thin shafted ultra OPS as well as a traditional shaft shape OPS. If I recall correctly the ultra OPS will be available in Sakic and Modano clones and the traditional will be Lidstrom and Modano clones to start with a Sakic clone to be added later.

Almost forgot the skates. They seemed pretty light and were stock with T-Blades. Price range was going to be somewhere around $270.

The mods here may want to be on the lookout for a note from one of the Salming reps as I mentioned the catalog review section to him as a way to get more of the word out on their products.

Here's a link to the website if people are looking for more info. http://www.salmingsports.com/

Side note to the Salming rep: My team took our division but, as you probably know, we muckers and grinders never get MVP consideration. Bummer.

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I think I saw some old timers (Larry Robinson) using Salming sticks awhile back in an old-timers game. Was it the Edm-Montreal game from last year in the outdoors? I can't put my finger on it. But I know they had the Salming sticks, because there was a post on it here.

Is the company named after Borje Salming the Maple Leaf? Or am I spelling his name wrong?

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One of the guys on my team is getting an ultra OPS for being MVP of our division. I'll let you folks know what he thinks after he's used it a few times.

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