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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Painted SL

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would the paint go on you gloves. nice job on the sl

Of course it wouldn't go on your gloves, oh, unless u take ur shot holding your stick butt to blade..

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My SL has still a lot of color which will chip, so it wont make sense to spray it now. i think i first have to get rid of all the chipping blue and then i can spray it

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sorry to bring this back but for those guys that have sprayed thier sticks and added a clear coat, does it mess up the balance or feel any heavier? i would think it would be a bit heavyer but nothing that you could notice. please tell me if my thinking is right or if im way off. thanks

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I painted one of my SL's black, just where the blue meets the silver. I taped off some logos.

After i painted 1 coat which was thick enough, i went over it with a clear coat which helped keep the paint on longer aswell as add a little shine to it.

Heres some pics....



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