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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Should I wear a mouthguard for roller hockey in a adult league. I'm wearing a half visor and cant decide if I should wear one or not. I got hit in the mouth with a puck last year but it just cut my lip when I wasnt wearing a mouth guard. A slap shot deflected off my stick and into mymouth but no serious damage was done. I have a dental mouthguard by the way.


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i would have to say yes... i don't wear one myself because i use a full cage but you should if you don't mind it. i for one hate wearing a mouthguard so much i would rather use a full cage

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It's more about preventing a concussion than protecting your teeth. Most guys can't afford the time off a serious concussion can require for recovery.

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If you don't mind wearing a full cage, I'd recommend it over a mouth guard and visor, simply because its a lot easier to communicate with the rest of your team when you don't have a mouth guard in ;)

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I got accidentally smacked in the face by a stick a few years back and lost two teeth.. Cost of the implants $8000 CAD.. price of a mouth gaurd $80 (for a dental one) and I wish I had worn it...

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as long as wearing a mouth guard doesn't seriously harm your play, why not wear it? it's relatively unobtrusive and it's a cheap investment that can save you a lot of money and pain in the long run.

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i have to agree with Chadd on this one. a mouth guard isn't going to protect your teeth, it's only made to cushion any sudden jolts from your chin, which in turn helps to prevent concussion. if you get hit with a puck, stick or what ever your teeth are going to fall out just as easy. if you want to protect your teeth wear a full cage or visor and cage combo. I used to wear a half visor for the longest time but last year i got high sticked in the mouth that cut me and made one of my tooth sore for a week. i was very lucky that day to not lose it and i've been using a visor and cage combo since. every year i see at least one person lose their teeth while playing beer hockey. unless you play pro i don't see why you would play without something to protect your entire face. i use to hate wearing a full cage cause it was hard to see the puck while it's coming to ya or while your stick handling but if your willing to pay a little more and get the oakley visor/cage combo then you won't have that problem. that combo will allow you to see EVERYTHING! trust me... don't end up sitting there feeling sorry for yourself and looking to spend the extra cash to upgrade to a full cage after you've lost your teeth.

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Had a guy loose half of his tooth last night, so I'm assuming our team will have alot more mouth guards next week. Although it isn't as effective for tooth problems as it is for concussions, it can still help.

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