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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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msn messenger problem

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whenever i try to login into msn messenger it says "signing into MSN messenger failed because this service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. 80090305"

ive been trying to login in for 2 weeks now and it still doesnt work. SO i got some friends round to try their MSN names but it still doesnt work.

But it works on their computers.

So i tried making new sign-up names and re-installing messenger but nothing has worked!

Can anyone help me out?

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But it has handwriting, something I only use to draw child-like profanity and you can see what crap people listen to. And.....well....

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yea ive downloaded trillian and ill try it tomorow. thanks anyway

MSN is crap but I only use it because everyone else does. I used to use MSN 7.0 before I realized how many bugs it has. I tried to sign in for 2 days and it wouldn't I uninstalled it and tried Trillian. I've never used Trillian before but I've heard of it. Trillian got me online on the first attempt. Anyways, I jumped back to using MSN 6.2 because I can't quite figure out all the features of Trillian yet.

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